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9/11 conspiracy theories


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we're getting into the realms of fantacy now.only a nutter like david ike would believe such...oops sorry.


i dont have a problem in operating out of the law. if our enemies are we should respond acordingly. queesberry rules are out of the window during war times.


if we run out of oil the west would collapse and therefore its worth fighting for.


Probably the most comprehensive collection of 7/7 information is here:




though as johnbradley suggests it would be off topic to go into detail about it on this thread. One small point about the de Menezes affair though: it did receive a large amount of publicity - which possibly had the effect of crowding out further analysis of the 7/7 incidents (assuming that the media would be capable of such analysis).


With regard to oil, has there ever been any suggestion that people would not sell to us at the prevailing world market price?

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I don't give a rats ass about who was to blame because I am certain in my own mind it was Bin Laden


Then what brings you to this thread?


For the record I'm convinced it was Bin Laden was certainly involved.


But do you believe the Clinton and Bush and previous administrations were blameless? Particularly those that funded him to overthrow the elected democracy in Afghanistan in 78?


Here's Ronald Reagan on OBL in 1985:

Freedom movements arise and assert themselves. They're doing so on almost every continent populated by man — in the hills of Afghanistan, in Angola, in Kampuchea, in Central America ... [They are] freedom fighters.

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we're getting into the realms of fantacy now.only a nutter like david ike would believe such...oops sorry.


i dont have a problem in operating out of the law. if our enemies are we should respond acordingly. queesberry rules are out of the window during war times.


if we run out of oil the west would collapse and therefore its worth fighting for.


you are, without doubt, exactly the sort of person these governments need...willing to let them press on with the criminal activities, whilst at the same time too 'special' upstairs to really understand it.


Would you like chocolate sauce on that, mikeywikey?

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Or at least just claim they found them and destroyed them. If there is a conspiracy then admitting there wern't any seems like the last thing they would do.





According to a stunning report posted by a retired Navy Lt Commander and

28-year veteran of the Defense Department (DoD), the Bush administration's

assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to "plant" WMDs inside the country.

Nelda Rogers, the Pentagon whistleblower, claims the plan failed when the

secret mission was mistakenly taken out by "friendly fire" <snip>

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you are, without doubt, exactly the sort of person these governments need...willing to let them press on with the criminal activities, whilst at the same time too 'special' upstairs to really understand it.


Would you like chocolate sauce on that, mikeywikey?


thought you may have cheese on offer. its usually accompanies a fruit cake.


dont forget to check under the bed tonight for lizards:hihi:

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I wonder what johnbradley's agenda is, or angle20s. They state they don't hate Americans yet attack the government elected and respected by them. Bradley especially quotes masses of so-called proof of some nefarious actions. But to what end is he so passionate. Nothing he says or does will change a thing. Thousands of innocent people remain dead, and are not coming back. Does he honestly think we are going to forcr our collective way into Congress and throw them all out on his word. Do you realize the harm these theories do to the families of the dead of 9/11. To be told your own leaders were responsible for it.

Strangely enough I find little or no anti british feelings here, no theories about who were responsible for the deaths in London. People here still believe the alliance is in good shape. If only rhey knew.


must apologise for my loopy fellow countrymen mr buck. of course they do not reflect the views of normal englishmen who value the usa's friendship and respect your stance in the fight against terror.


i would aslo like to thank you for


1. the massive aid you donate to poor countries.

2. saving the world from hitler

3. your current endevours overseas and the brave young men and women who give up their lives so others remain safe.

4. the foo fighters:love:

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must apologise for my loopy fellow countrymen mr buck. of course they do not reflect the views of normal englishmen who value the usa's friendship and respect your stance in the fight against terror.


i would aslo like to thank you for


1. the massive aid you donate to poor countries.

2. saving the world from hitler

3. your current endevours overseas and the brave young men and women who give up their lives so others remain safe.

4. the foo fighters:love:


1. a large part of which goes to...um, israel?


Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes.




2. Even though I.G Farben, the huge german congomerate responsible for Zyclon B, and building/maintaining over 40concentration camps was hugely supported financially by Standard Oil, a Rockefeller company...?


The Rockefeller family, long aligned with the Bushes, owned Standard Oil. Through a stock transfer they became half owners of Germany's IG Farben with Farben likewise owning almost half of Standard Oil. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, IG Farben built and operated more than 40 concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Europe, including Auschwitz.




3. There are brave soldiers doing an unfortunate job, yes. And my heart goes out to the sevicemen and women, because they are risking their lives for people who dont give a damn about them, or about what is 'right'.


4. Yeah they're not bad, i'll give you that...dave is one of my favourite drummers, plays with QOTSA sometimes:)

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