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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Yes, in a word.


That was the official explanation.


Also linked to so many implausable explanations.


if I was an insurance company, I would want to know if any other steel buildings were going to start collapsing through fire ?


I for sure would not go to sit and work in one!


I just hope that the person who promised me the 'conspiracy theory' dvd doesn't forget!

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Who mentioned steel quality? It was the design of the floor struts, not the actual materials which differed and made the structure unsound when exposed to the confined, combusted fule, intense heat and trauma, and loss of a few floors. Prior to the event every engineer said it was a marvel of engineering, afterwards I saw a few investigations, and researched addition, which pointed out that, in hindsight, it was not a perfect design.


Much in the same way that a certain Titanic was a marvel of engineering and unsinkable....


After all, hindsight is always 20/20


In addition, I thought it would be nice to provide an opportunity for others to read the FEMA report, so checked their website and found this http://www.fema.gov/library/wtcstudy.shtm


By all means people, research it, and question stuff. After all, who honestly trusts everything the governments of this world tell us?

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Back on topic : Twin towers - do you support an independent enquiry?


yes, (still not sure where my conscience fits into this)


Would you accept the outcome of an independant investigation if it dissagreed with what you believe though, or would that become part of the conspiracy ?

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Back on topic : Twin towers - do you support an independent enquiry?


Unfortunately, no. All that will happen is the inquiry will begin, and details will 'vanish' that the governments do not want disclosed. No inquiry is ever totally independant, and nothing will result from it.


Even if the inquiry does show that nothing was suspicious, the conspiracies will still be there with the "Ahh...but thats what they wanted you to find out!", and so on and so forth.


Nothing will change. The only way the 'truth' will come out is if a major revolution took place in the US and the new leaders decided to open up all the 'confidential' files.

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yes, (still not sure where my conscience fits into this)


Would you accept the outcome of an independant investigation if it dissagreed with what you believe though, or would that become part of the conspiracy ?


What I suspect, and mostly believe are a series of questions made by independant investigators who press the story told and get stonewalled.


There will maybe never be a full independant investigation for the Bush Administration have already prevented that, what investigation was commisioned was run by an in-house member of the Bush house.


But to answer your question honestly, I am not a nutter, I just want the truth to be told.


So if it was independant and impartial, yes I would accept it.

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Unfortunately, no. All that will happen is the inquiry will begin, and details will 'vanish' that the governments do not want disclosed. No inquiry is ever totally independant, and nothing will result from it.


Even if the inquiry does show that nothing was suspicious, the conspiracies will still be there with the "Ahh...but thats what they wanted you to find out!", and so on and so forth.


Nothing will change. The only way the 'truth' will come out is if a major revolution took place in the US and the new leaders decided to open up all the 'confidential' files.



Not strictly true, but the truth is largely hidden.


The US Governmant have made many mistakes on this but they just tell us what we think, see and believe.


There is loads of material backed by physical evidence that supports the thoery I present.


They are not my theories, I am just following the most likey chain of events.

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