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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Would you rather I just accepted what you say is true, no matter how wild it sounds ?


Stuff like "he wrote it in his private diary" just make me think the whole thing is silly, how do "they" know what he wrote in his private diary, and what a co-incidence that what he wrote fits perfectly with the conspiracy.


Yes, you are very generaous with your time if people agree with you, but if they don't then they are obviouslt stupid or naive or being controlled by the government or part of the conspiracy.


I'm not trying to prove anything, I tend to just question everything people put foreward as "the real truth" about anything for the sake of it.

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Would you rather I just accepted what you say is true, no matter how wild it sounds ?


Yes, you are very generaous with your time if people agree with you, but if they don't then they are obviouslt stupid or naive or being controlled by the government or part of the conspiracy.



Firstly believe what you choose, but is there an element of doubt strong enough to question what you are told ?


Secondly, you don't agree with me, but the fact you are reading on and not mocking me (which I did suspect a couple of times) is motive enough to carry on in the thread.


Nothing about being stupid, nothing wrong with being naive.


As the thread was started, do you support an independant enquiry ?


Are there enough extreme irregularities with the official story ?

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I find anything on that web site hard to take seriously. I mean, they even describe Charlie Sheen as a "highly credible public figure" source




Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds and many more.



The site might have it's own agenda, but they don't make this stuff up you know.

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C+P from another website


re: the controlled demolition theory -

woudn't there have needed to be a time when 'they' (the Bilderberg Kennedy UFO secret agents) painstakingly drilled several hundred plugs into the building, packed them with explosives, wired them all up (hiding the wires from windowcleaners and the like obnov), phoned up some arab friends who'd just finished flying school, explained the 'big idea', sat waiting for planes to hit from a hiding place nearby, and finally pressed the button shortly afterwards? I've heard of project management, but..

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I have done research on this subject and am willing to go head-to-head with anyone on the subject, but people would rather believe the real conspiracy theory that is called the official story.


I will be able to referance most of the information I use to support an argument, as facts are kinda useful on such an important issue.


Any takers ?


I wait in anticipation ?

Yea, go on then. I seem to remember we did this before and I couldn't see a shred of real evidence to support a conspiracy. Away you go ;)



Yes, it was 'Pulled' Larry Silverstein? building owner allowed controlled demolition. ((aka explosives)even the official report states that they do not know how that came down, but thought it not important to investigate.


It would be nice if it were true. He asked them to "pull" the firefighters out, which they did. He's said that many many times.

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Yea, go on then. I seem to remember we did this before and I couldn't see a shred of real evidence to support a conspiracy. Away you go ;)




It would be nice if it were true. He asked them to "pull" the firefighters out, which they did. He's said that many many times.


Firstly, you politely declined offers of evidence that I offered to pass on.


It happens to be on motion picture, so I think that means it is quite true.





There is a start for you :)


Please do not hesitate to forward more questions, thanks for showing an interest :)

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