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re: the controlled demolition theory -

woudn't there have needed to be a time when 'they' (the Bilderberg Kennedy UFO secret agents) painstakingly drilled several hundred plugs into the building, packed them with explosives, wired them all up (hiding the wires from windowcleaners and the like obnov), phoned up some arab friends who'd just finished flying school, explained the 'big idea', sat waiting for planes to hit from a hiding place nearby, and finally pressed the button shortly afterwards? I've heard of project management, but..


stranger things have happened like not winning the election and still getting into office.:hihi:

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That's not evidence - that's opinion :)


This might help. :thumbsup:



Sure, that cannot be proven.


This can: 'The specifics of the fires in WTC-7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time' FEMA World Trade Center Building Performance Study CH.5, Sect 6.2


FEMA ~ (Federal Emergency Management Agency, Agency of the US government tasked with Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery planning.)


So did fire bring down building 7, because it certainly was not an aeroplane.

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I dunno, but I do know that a lack of a proper conclusion for whatever reason doesn't mean that we should invent one ;)


Larry Silverstein seems to be quite clear about what he said and what he meant, and it makes perfect sense. I have no reason to disbelieve him and there's no reason to put words into his mouth.

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