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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Some of us have already 'fathomed' it.



Well then your theory is wrong because if there was a huge conspiricy against humanity by the powers that be. Don't you think that you and your fellow whistleblowers would have been 'rubbed out.' The fact that your on here 'going on' about it suggests that the CIA

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rent bothered by your pubescent musing.


It is weird that my PC crashed mid post and when I rebooted it had posted half the post. Perhaps thats the CIA equipment interfering.


Anyway, I was going to say that this is no watergate. We shall from now on refer to it as your Arundellgate! Woodward! :thumbsup:

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Reading around the subject of 9/11 is somewhat akin to the experience of plunging your hand into a steaming pile of refuse. The further you go in the more disgusting it gets as you brush past things that seem dangerous and awful, but you have to keep going and hold your nose to find what you're after.


No matter what folks say, the US government has failed to answer the most disturbing of the questions posed by the incident and the answers they have offered are flawed on a fundamental level.


Here's one: Why has Osama Bin Laden or one of his followers never claimed responsibility for the attack? More so, why did he go on the record as denying that he had anything to do with the attacks?

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'The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11' by David Griffin.


Just read this quote by a reviewer


"he doesn't for even a minute assume that he's the owner of the truth, for he questions his own assumptions. Graciously, he states that further *independent* investigation is necessary."


so have decided to order the book and find out myself. Don't usually believe in all these conspiracy theories, however in this case a lot of things just don't seem to ring true.

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The labelling of every question raised on such subjects as a "conspiracy theory" tends to be another highly effective and equally insidious way in which the right wing of the US government poo poos any inquiry into their dubious actions.


In the case of 9/11, most of the questions that people are asking are just that...questions.


The US government seems to be insistant that the public accept their version of events even when the events they suggest are both nonsensical and unsupported by the facts freely available on the subject.


In most cases I have found that the conservative right objects not only to the liberal and leftist take on events, but also to anything amounting to an unbiased assessment of the facts. Failure to follow their version of events is in their eyes tantamount to a declaration of solidarity with the "enemy."


Stories of federal agents removing evidence and intimidating wittnesses after the event might bring visions of the X-Files, btu that's exactly what happened in this case.

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Originally posted by Carmine

Stories of federal agents removing evidence and intimidating wittnesses after the event might bring visions of the X-Files, btu that's exactly what happened in this case.


Care to post some real evidence?

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It makes me laugh when people come up with these conspiracy theories babbling on about evidence that proves this and evidence that proves that but the fact is its all heresay. Who's to say the evidence that backs up the conspiracy theory isn't as fabricated as what the theory is trying to expose??..if that makes any sense :confused:

So then you have conspiracy theories about conspiracy theories!!!

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Try this:





"A report suggests: “Federal investigators may have video footage of the deadly terrorist attack on the Pentagon. A security camera atop a hotel close to the Pentagon may have captured dramatic footage of the hijacked Boeing 757 airliner as it slammed into the western wall of the Pentagon.


otel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video as part of its investigation. It may be the only available video of the attack.


The Pentagon has told broadcast news reporters that its security cameras did not capture the crash. The attack occurred close to the Pentagon's heliport, an area that normally would be under 24-hour security surveillance, including video monitoring.”


In a later report, an employee at a gas station across the street from the Pentagon that services only military personnel says the gas station's security cameras should have recorded the moment of impact. However, he says, “I've never seen what the pictures looked like. The FBI was here within minutes and took the film.” [ Richmond Times-Dispatch, 12/11/01 ]


A later release of five tiny and grainy images of the crash from a Pentagon security camera shows the government's claim that no security cameras captured the crash was untrue..."

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