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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Excuse me? Where do you get off making a remark like that to Twiglet? I think you owe her an apology. NOW.


9/11 was for me, and most of my fellow Americans a great tragedy. To see people in other parts of the world gleefully celebrating the death of innocent people and the wanton destruction was sickening.


For those of you who want to pig-headedly believe what happened that day was some colossal government cover-up, go right ahead. I'm not about to try to change your minds. You are entitled to your opinions. However wack I think they are.


But STOP with the insults. There is NO need to tell someone "blow me" just because they disagree with you.




Thanks Sierra :D I'm pretty sure that he didn't mean it in the way it would come across in the States, but he was still being sarcastic.


I wish more Americans would post on this thread. I said right at the beginning that all these conspiracy theories are bringing nothing but more pain and aggrevation to the families and friends of those involved, but someone told me that actually they want a full investigation to find out what happened. The few people I know who were affected just want to move on with their lives, but can't while people are still dragging this all up and some even going so far as to say that many of the victims are still alive somewhere. That's just insane.

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hi twiglet:)


do you not think its possible, with all the anomolies present in this case, that something other than the 'official' story has taken place?


i think it is vital to try and check out all the available info, and (in my opinion) there is simply too much wierdness going on for me to accept that story as gospel.


do you believe the american government fully?

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hi twiglet:)


do you believe the american government fully?


No, I don't trust George Bush an inch. Or rather, the other politicians that are pulling his strings, he's a bit too dumb to keep secrets. I think they may have had their suspicions about it happening. I don't however, believe for a second that


a) There were any explosives deliberately placed in the twin towers

b) That a plane didn't hit the Pentagon

c) That for some unknown sinister reason WTC7 was deliberately demolished

d) That Flight 93 was shot down by fighter planes, or in fact, didn't crash but landed safely at another airport.

e) That the entire affair was orchestrated by the American authorities.


There is just no way with the number of people involved something like that could be kept secret.


Someone will be saying that Tony Blair plotted to blow up the underground trains next :loopy:

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I have just skimmed through this thread with great interest. I don't know whether it has been mentioned, but I seriously suggest that people watch the Loose Change documentary - Watch it here. Please watch it with an open mind.


OK, there are a few flaws in the arguments put forward, but in the main - especially regarding the Pentagon attack - the evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of a conspiracy.


If anyone would like a copy of Loose Change 2nd Edition on DVD, I would be more than happy to send them a copy.


please watch this.

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i watched it today at work (it was a quiet day lol) and i was gripped from start to finish. i realise that any person arguing a specific viewpoint will draw from the particulars available, choosing those which best suit.


i also realise that a portion of the 'evidence' was from sources i probably cannot cross-check to ascertain their validity, such as 'eye-witness' accounts, newspaper articles based on 'experts' , etc.


yet the sheer number of incongruities speaks volumes to me, and makes me think that to see all of that, yet still maintain a belief in the official story, would be blinkered beyond reason...there is SOMETHING wrong with this picture, and i urge everyone to watch this docco before opining further.

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then again, maybe you have.


and if alarm bells aint ringing now, they never will.


good luck with the blinkers, love.


Don't be so patronising. People are entitled to believe what they want.


That documentary is full of factually incorrect information and coincidences that people want to see as proof. Again, much of it confirms the fact that I do believe the government knew more than they let on, but not that they carried it out. People SAW the plane hit the Pentagon. All that time trying to explain how the front of the plane wouldn't only leave a 16 foot hole, when in fact the front of the plane hit tens of feet away from this, the hole was caused by the landing gear. Parallels drawn with the Athens flight hitting the hill and the amount of wreckage left, well a hill isn't made to be blast proof.

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