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9/11 conspiracy theories


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True, shaped cutting charges are relatively light, but it takes a whole lot of charge to bring a big building down, and a lot of disrution.


Also true that nothing's impossible, but could somebody come in and re-truss your roof without you noticing?

while i was away they could,hence my senario of using a night time maintainance team,no one would be in the office,the security could be military,installed months before,it could be done with the right back up

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while i was away they could,hence my senario of using a night time maintainance team,no one would be in the office,the security could be military,installed months before,it could be done with the right back up


Yes, but over those months there would be genuine maintenance going on and somebody would find the charges.


Again, I can't disagree that anything is 'possible', but within the art of the possible you have to consider the likelihood of success, and the penalty of it being discovered - it would be madness to attempt and highly unlikely to be successful.

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Yes, but over those months there would be genuine maintenance going on and somebody would find the charges.


Again, I can't disagree that anything is 'possible', but within the art of the possible you have to consider the likelihood of success, and the penalty of it being discovered - it would be madness to attempt and highly unlikely to be successful.


Not if the CIA had their own suicide squad in place on the day....



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Yes, but over those months there would be genuine maintenance going on and somebody would find the charges.


Again, I can't disagree that anything is 'possible', but within the art of the possible you have to consider the likelihood of success, and the penalty of it being discovered - it would be madness to attempt and highly unlikely to be successful.

by using government contractors the genuine crew would in fact be the covert team,it could have been planned months if not years before
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I think you're getting into the realms of fantasy now.


Besides, if I were in the government, and was going to kill loads of my people and blame it on someone else, along with seriously harming the economy of my own country, and the worlds as a whole, I'm sure I would have been able to come up with a plan with less 'flaws' in it.


Or maybe they left all the 'flaws' in the story so people would think it must be genuine.


I'd probably just knock the building down when it was quiet and Men In Black-style "flashy thing" people. Maybe that's what really happened. I've seen it in a movie, so it must be true...

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I think you're getting into the realms of fantasy now.


Besides, if I were in the government, and was going to kill loads of my people and blame it on someone else, along with seriously harming the economy of my own country, and the worlds as a whole, I'm sure I would have been able to come up with a plan with less 'flaws' in it.


Or maybe they left all the 'flaws' in the story so people would think it must be genuine.


I'd probably just knock the building down when it was quiet and Men In Black-style "flashy thing" people. Maybe that's what really happened. I've seen it in a movie, so it must be true...


If the Americans wanted to do something like that, and weren't worried about the collateral damage, they could just set off a dirty bomb, or even a well-placed conventional bomb, and provide evidence that it came from al Quaeda. That would be very easy, rely only a small number of military personnel, and be just about foolproof. Multiple hijacks? Demolition charges in some of the world's biggest buildings? Why bother?


Any speculation about 9/11 being an American conspiracy is, as you quite rightly say, fantasy.

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APparently the week before there was a 50 hour lose of power in the South tower so noone was there appart from a great many engineers from I think one company. Also there a lot of safety evacuations in the previous weeks for no explained reason.

Aother point brought up is why were the central beams not leftstanding, below where the top of the collapse started. From I gather the force of gravity wold not be enough to smash them pices in a ten second collapse.

The mmost telling quote comes from Rudi Gulliani who said in a statement after, that they told to leave the control station as the builbing was going to fall.

No one could have known this as no steel framed bulding has ever collaped, before or since, as the result of afire, unless they had placed the charges


Dnot forget this was a short lived fairly low temp fire

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APparently the week before there was a 50 hour lose of power in the South tower so noone was there appart from a great many engineers from I think one company. Also there a lot of safety evacuations in the previous weeks for no explained reason.

Aother point brought up is why were the central beams not leftstanding, below where the top of the collapse started. From I gather the force of gravity wold not be enough to smash them pices in a ten second collapse.

The mmost telling quote comes from Rudi Gulliani who said in a statement after, that they told to leave the control station as the builbing was going to fall.

No one could have known this as no steel framed bulding has ever collaped, before or since, as the result of afire, unless they had placed the charges


Dnot forget this was a short lived fairly low temp fire

But, as we have said over and over again, it wasn't just the fire, it was a result of extreme structural damage AND the fire.

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The design was to take fully laden 707 at cruising speed wit a full load of fuel


they were not going any where near criusing speed and only had on boad reduced fuel loads, Also when there was no damage to lowere floors did yhe collapse in such a quick fashion.

You are ignoring the evidence

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actually artisan, i think the planes were going pretty fast, where as the design brief only specified a 707 goin at about 180mph.


has anyone seen the pics from when the twin towers were being built? thats some serious reinforcement in the centre, and its tricky to picture it turning to dust so readily.


whats that about? DUST? all that massive wedge of hi grade steel and reinforced concrete being pulverised near-instantly, all the way down....


at the same time there were literally dozens of witnesses claiming they heard explosions, from the firemen actually there, to news reporters and civillians, shortly before the collapse.


no doubt ol' fartfast and the others will cling doggedly to their official reports. good on you lot, its necassary to have both sides argued as well as possible, and you have all done a smashing job.


if the kind of collapse we have seen here is more common than most people think, i would really appreciate if you could show me some examples:)


i know quite a few skyscrapers have been whacked by planes, or had raging fires goin off in em over the years, maybe there are a couple out there which have collapsed like these lot.


because when something like this happens, it def. helps to have a precident, some prior examples to support the story. thats why i am open to the demolition theory, because the characteristics of all three (esp. wt7) collapses appears consistent with a controlled job.


but then again, show me a little back up for the official theory and i may warm up to that...ive had a go but i cant find anything.


note: i appreciate that the twin towers may represent a more 'specialised' example, i.e planes crashing into them, but this itself is not unprecidented. also, wt7 had no planes crash into it, and was about 100 metres from the towers, and so fits the 'typical' 'fire in steel tower'.


cheers guys

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