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9/11 conspiracy theories


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I left it alone for a few days, and was amazed to come back and find people still claiming ever more bizarre fantasies about a conspiracy. It just beggers belief.


The funny thing here is that they agree with the official story, you are running out of support here !

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So if the controlled explosion theory is correct I think it would be safe therefore to assume that numerous skyscrapers built post 1970's have explosives already in place for controlled explosions should the need arise.


Somehow I think somebody somewhere would have found out about this before now.


No, you have not read the points made about how the explosives could easily have been planted, read back a few pages !

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Remember that statement next time you fly on a plane. Won't make you feel very safe will it. So you uphold the status of structural engineers but not the of those in aviation?

I understand air travel to be the safest of all types.

Unless you happen to have in the Captains seat a relegious maniac who is going to crash into a skyscraper.

I am not in dispute about the outrage, but as to how the buildings fell.

All the bull **** in the world will not convince me that they were not brought down, by people in the know

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Somebody will be claiming it was predicted by Nostradamus before long.


Well I happen to take the matter series enough to do actual research from both sides of the argument, your comment is far from even comedy as I suppose intended.

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Rest assured that if you jumble up the words in one of Shakespear's plays in just the right way, you'll be able to find a series of terrifyingly coincidental words that predict the attacks. The same probably appies to most copies of Viz.


Interesting how you say probably again! check your data before relying on it in a World changing event such as this.

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I understand air travel to be the safest of all types.

Unless you happen to have in the Captains seat a relegious maniac who is going to crash into a skyscraper.

I am not in dispute about the outrage, but as to how the buildings fell.

All the bull **** in the world will not convince me that they were not brought down, by people in the know



So you agree that the official story is a lie then or was your double negative an honest mistake ?

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venger, good work fella!


although if us lot get the tag 'the venger boys' (like that ill-fated gay pop group) ill be miffed




:thumbsup: it's one of my many interests, people can call us what they like, but support for the official story is ill fated in my opinion, it stinks!! :thumbsup:

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You must be joking. The only arguments that have been getting worse and worse are for the conspiracy. .....I've just given up because its going round in circles now. ....am just rebuffed with more theories,

I've stopped bothering too to be honest. Theorists never seem to be intrested in reality or facts... they just come up with another theory. :huh:


It always follows the same pattern.

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