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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Look at the videos with detonated charges blowing. It makes you wonder, it did me at any rate, this is not say that it was the USA murdering their own people. It was probably people with inside info to make it even more spectactular than it was. Buildings like that are designed to withstand allsorts


I watched the footage of 911 and I also have seen the explosions and the smoke around another building away from the towers... makes me wonder as well.


I would like to ask people to find and watch 911: In Plane Site if they think the whole 911 scenario is not a conspiracy theory- you may well be enlightened.

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I draw people's attention to the Pentagon 'attack' and also to this pic

that I have found on the tinternet




Look closely at the right hand side of the pic.. the 'round' blast in the wall is supposedly where the nose of the 'airplane' hit and also where the plane 'evaporated'




Twas a missle- not a plane that hit the pentagon and it was fired not by a terrorist.. another load of twaddle.


The plane hitting the pentagon was supposedly a Boeing 757 which has a wingspan of 124ft and with a tail height of 44ft.


WHY then for the love of god - a small ass hole in the pentagon wall??


Are people so stupid to believe that the 'aircraft' dissapeared and that only small fragments of the plane were to be found?


The wings themself would have smashed a larger hole or if not - the tail certainly would have made a larger hole.


Its all an absolute joke and I am surprised people are still swallowing the whole '911: Its not a conspiracy' pig-poo that the US government is still throwing out to you all.


Watch the 911: In Plane Site... have a good look and take note.

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Everything you mention is clearly and rationally and scientifically explained earlier in this thread.


By people who would like to buy into the american governments view of it all?

Not for me though thankyou :)


Each to his own though Tony mate

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By people who would like to buy into the american governments view of it all?

Not for me though thankyou :)


Each to his own though Tony mate


This from a guy who believed that Evra was the new Roberto Carlos:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Are people so stupid to believe that the 'aircraft' disappeared and that only small fragments of the plane were to be found?


The wings themself would have smashed a larger hole or if not - the tail certainly would have made a larger hole.


Let's deal with that shall we? Are you prepared to believe that there is a known phenomena where aircraft completely disintegrate on impact?


I explained how this happens in this post.

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I draw people's attention to the Pentagon 'attack' and also to this pic

that I have found on the tinternet




Look closely at the right hand side of the pic.. the 'round' blast in the wall is supposedly where the nose of the 'airplane' hit and also where the plane 'evaporated'




Twas a missle- not a plane that hit the pentagon and it was fired not by a terrorist.. another load of twaddle.


The plane hitting the pentagon was supposedly a Boeing 757 which has a wingspan of 124ft and with a tail height of 44ft.


WHY then for the love of god - a small ass hole in the pentagon wall??


Are people so stupid to believe that the 'aircraft' dissapeared and that only small fragments of the plane were to be found?


The wings themself would have smashed a larger hole or if not - the tail certainly would have made a larger hole.


Its all an absolute joke and I am surprised people are still swallowing the whole '911: Its not a conspiracy' pig-poo that the US government is still throwing out to you all.


Watch the 911: In Plane Site... have a good look and take note.





How many times do I have to repeat myself?!?! That hole is NOT where the nose cone hit - only the conspiracy theorists are saying that. It's actually where an engine went through the wall. The front of the plane hit the building further over, at the point where it later collapsed.

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How many times do I have to repeat myself?!?! That hole is NOT where the nose cone hit - only the conspiracy theorists are saying that. It's actually where an engine went through the wall. The front of the plane hit the building further over, at the point where it later collapsed.


You reckon??


I've already talked about the hole in the Pentagon. This is one of the most widely quoted pieces of 'evidence' in the conspiracy theory when there is nothing sinister about it at all - the hole was created by the landing gear not by the entire plane.
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