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9/11 conspiracy theories


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You reckon??


That's just being pedantic. Yes I made a mistake read another two or three posts down and I correct it - it had been a long time since I'd read the statements. Whatever happened the official sources NEVER said that that hole was caused by the nose of the plane.

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That's just being pedantic. Yes I made a mistake read another two or three posts down and I correct it - it had been a long time since I'd read the statements. Whatever happened the official sources NEVER said that that hole was caused by the nose of the plane.




That's alright then....

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I watched the "Loose Change" doc yesterday and found it very interesting.

From the day it happened I'd always had an uneasy feeling about the Pentagon / Flight 93 incidents... and the evidence presented in the film made me wonder some more.


My view is - I wasn't there personally so I don't know for definite. All we can go on are the statements of people who were there combined with the statements of so-called experts. There seems to be a good amount of experts and people closely involved with the incident in some way on both sides of the arguement so its difficult to know who's telling the truth.


I'm keeping an open mind. Maybe it did happen just like the official story, maybe not, or maybe theres shades of truth in both stories. But there does appear to be alot of inconsitencies and unusual activity around the events of 9/11 so I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the US govenment had something to do with it. They have alot to gain from the "new pearl harbour" scenario and their intentions are often far from honourable.


As has been said before, even if it was as the conspiracy theorists suggest, the truth will probably never come out as to most people its unthinkable that the government could do such a thing to its own people so its easy to keep the facts hidden... and its easy to dismiss such accusations along with the rest of the nutty conspiracy theories.


I wish Bill Hicks was here to comment... he would have had hours of side splitting material out of this.

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I draw people's attention to the Pentagon 'attack' and also to this pic

that I have found on the tinternet


Look closely at the right hand side of the pic.. the 'round' blast in the wall is supposedly where the nose of the 'airplane' hit and also where the plane 'evaporated'


Twas a missle- not a plane that hit the pentagon and it was fired not by a terrorist.. another load of twaddle.

The plane hitting the pentagon was supposedly a Boeing 757 which has a wingspan of 124ft and with a tail height of 44ft.

WHY then for the love of god - a small ass hole in the pentagon wall??

Are people so stupid to believe that the 'aircraft' dissapeared and that only small fragments of the plane were to be found?

The wings themself would have smashed a larger hole or if not - the tail certainly would have made a larger hole.

Its all an absolute joke and I am surprised people are still swallowing the whole '911: Its not a conspiracy' pig-poo that the US government is still throwing out to you all.

Watch the 911: In Plane Site... have a good look and take note.


Have you ever been a member of a board of enquiry for a high speed aircraft crash?

Have you walked the ground on a number of crash sites, inside the cordon, in an official specialist capacity?

Have you spent years training to be a graduate then chartered engineer, and followed that up with military aviation courses, structural airworthiness and flight safety qualifications?

Have you ever had responsibility as the engineering structural authority for an aircraft fleet?

Do you have knowledge of explosive effects and mechanisms, or qualifications in explosive engineering or weapon systems?

Have you been involved in explosive demolition trials?

Do you have detailed knowledge of the capabilities of all of the missiles in the UK and US inventories?

Have you read and understood the post that Tony links to above in which he explains what happens in high speed crashes?


With the (possible) exception of the last post, I suspect that the answer is ‘No’ to each of these questions.


I must regrettably inform you that until you can say ‘Yes’ to at least most of the above, you will remain the one talking ‘ABSOLUTE CRAP’.


People with a professionally qualified understanding of what happened to the towers and at the Pentagon crash site are trying to tell you and other posters that you’ve gone barking mad over these conspiracy theories.

Try to believe us!

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As a rule of thumb, if the US govt tells you something, its safer to assume they are lying.




Oh dear, how can we possibly continue with a sensible debate with a view like that to deal with.

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Oh dear, how can we possibly continue with a sensible debate with a view like that to deal with.


Its based on the premise that liars rarely tell the truth.

Dont tell me you believe liars ? Thats not very sensible now is it ?



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Its based on the premise that liars rarely tell the truth.

Dont tell me you believe liars ? Thats not very sensible now is it ?




I'm just not sufficently paranoid or deluded to think that the US Government always lies. I've worked with them and know that they do tell the truth, most of the time, but like all governments they have to choose to keep some things secret.

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They work on the principle that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.

e.g. the twin towers fell down cos barty and Tony say so


Artisan, could you please explain to me how you are qualfied to give your expert views on the method of collapse of the towers?

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