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9/11 conspiracy theories


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a few questions for you:


1. how does the 'pancake theory' allow for the near-free-fall speed of the collapses?


2. why does the 911 commission report claim the centre of the twin towers was a 'hollow shaft', when it actually contained 47 steel supports?


3. why did the commission not find any explanation for WT7's collapse?


4. why were there so many people claiming to have heard/felt/seen explosions prior to the collapse?


5. why, although a 'crime scene', was ground zero cleared immediately (by a demolition company, no less) and the metal taken, WITHOUT analysis, off to the far east to get melted down.


6. why is it that there has never been a skyscraper before or since wtc7 which has collapsed soley due to fire damage?


can these questions be answered? do the answers all look reasonable?

No they cant, but youll only get earache so just agree with them, its a lot easier, and winds them up more

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I've not refused anything that isn't plain to contra with reasonable and reliable facts.


Oh no ?


But there is no such "standard procedure" and it doesn't happen hundreds of times a year. That's just not true.


Look below, took me a while to find it though :rolleyes:


"The first hijacking was suspected at no later than 8:20 am, and the last hijacked aircraft crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:06 am. Not a single fighter plane was scrambled to investigate from the US Andrews Air Force base, just 10 miles from Washington DC, until after the third plane hit the Penatgon at 9:38 am. Why not ? There were standard FAA intercept procedures for hijacked aircraft before 9/11. Between September 2000 and June 2001 the US military launched fighter aircraft on 67 occasions to chase suspicious aircraft (AP, August 13 2002). It is a US legal requirement tat once an aircraft has moved significantly off its flight plan, fighter planes are sent up to investigate."


Former British Environmental Minister and MP Michael Meacher "The War on Terrorism is Bogus", The Guardian, September 6, 2003

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No they cant, but youll only get earache so just agree with them, its a lot easier, and winds them up more


Well my motive is just to encourage people look at slightly more difficult to find fact about what some of the actions and implications of 9/11 rather than deliberatly annoy people.

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Oh no ?




Look below, took me a while to find it though :rolleyes:


"The first hijacking was suspected at no later than 8:20 am, and the last hijacked aircraft crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:06 am. Not a single fighter plane was scrambled to investigate from the US Andrews Air Force base, just 10 miles from Washington DC, until after the third plane hit the Penatgon at 9:38 am. Why not ? There were standard FAA intercept procedures for hijacked aircraft before 9/11. Between September 2000 and June 2001 the US military launched fighter aircraft on 67 occasions to chase suspicious aircraft (AP, August 13 2002). It is a US legal requirement tat once an aircraft has moved significantly off its flight plan, fighter planes are sent up to investigate."


Former British Environmental Minister and MP Michael Meacher "The War on Terrorism is Bogus", The Guardian, September 6, 2003

This can probably be put down to idleness and familiarity.

Noone had ever attacked the USA ever, since the English burnt out the White House, back in 1812, or whenever.

You can bet they they wont be as lazy if this ever should happen again.

We tend to laugh (I know I do) at the Americans for their indiscipline, but when they up against it they are almost as good as Englishmen

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This can probably be put down to idleness and familiarity.

Noone had ever attacked the USA ever, since the English burnt out the White House, back in 1812, or whenever.

You can bet they they wont be as lazy if this ever should happen again.

We tend to laugh (I know I do) at the Americans for their indiscipline, but when they up against it they are almost as good as Englishmen


I quote MP's and official procedures, and all you can suggest is that US air defense, Government, CIA, NORAD etc were all PROBABLY having a bad day at the office?


Oh please :huh:

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Yea, go on then. I seem to remember we did this before and I couldn't see a shred of real evidence to support a conspiracy. Away you go ;)


I am still warming up ;)


You cannot force an aircraft to an airport, and to my knowledge no hijacked passenger aircraft has ever been shot down.


Since 1970, in the US 682 planes have been hijacked


101 of them the passengers regained control of the plane.


31 were suicide bombers.


59 were shot down by the military.

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I am still warming up ;)




Since 1970, in the US 682 planes have been hijacked


101 of them the passengers regained control of the plane.


31 were suicide bombers.


59 were shot down by the military.


59 airliners were shot down in the USA between 1970 and 2006?

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I am still warming up ;)

Since 1970, in the US 682 planes have been hijacked

101 of them the passengers regained control of the plane.

31 were suicide bombers.

59 were shot down by the military.



Now the facts behind this will be really interesting.


Did you get it from the lab rats?






Most lab rats have a greater grasp of reality than conspiracy theorists

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