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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Can we just say that Jeff King may have attended MIT? He's certainly in no way representative of the institute nor does he appear to be on the payroll in any capacity....afaik


In fact, he is a former student, studied physics. He has 8 years experience in electrical engineering. He has no current staff or student status with MIT.

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:thumbsup: guess he's another nutjob who sleeps with the light on then:loopy:

You might say that, I couldn't possibly comment.


To hold Schiavo, King, and the other well known independent 'analysts' up as authorities is perfectly reasonable. But you should subject them to the same high standards of scrutiny that you apply to the supposedly culpable administration.


Labelling someone as "Jeff King, MIT engineer" is to try and accord him a certain 'authority' that he simply does not have. It also implies that he somehow has experience of the sort of structural engineering questions that are being raised in this thread.


Maybe he has, but that's a known unknown, as Donald Rumsfeld might say.


I strongly suspect there has been a cover up. I think it would be weird if there wasn't one to be honest. But what has been covered up now will most likely be revealed in the fullness of time, as most things are. Eventually.


Usually it's where the money is. Now, does Jeff King do free appearances?

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Can you quote me exactly where in that article where anyone states that nearly sixty airliners have been shot down by the military in the USA between 1970 and 2006?


Assuming the statement is in there, do you believe it? Two airliners every three years, shot down out of the sky by the US military? For thirty six years?


That's what we've got. That's what the airline industry really looks like. Here, I have some extras if you want to send them around. In the last thirty years we have had 682 hijackings. 682. Here's an interesting statistic. When we had the United States saying, "Oh, we couldn't have known this." And even when passengers were getting calls out to their family what information went back to them? Guess what, of those 682 hijackings in the last thirty years, 101 times passengers fought to defend themselves and took down the hijackers, including, of course, Elal which successfully foiled the hijacking on September 12, 1970 in the original hijacking in the original four plane Islamic Jihad. How many bombings do you suppose there have been? That's what we say we were busy looking for on September 11th. They said, "We were looking for bombers. We were still looking for Pan Am 103." Well we had 682 hijackings and we had 31 bombings. How about shoot downs? We think that's even rarer. 59. So the thing that we were all out there searching for, the Pan Am 103 bomber, among hijackings, shoot downs and bombings, was actually the least number of things that we had suffered.


How do you read it ?

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That's just a quote from a transcript of an interview, it's not an offical document.


I can't accept the figure of 59 shoot downs - less, perhaps, than you can accept that an aircraft with the kinetic energy greater than four 1000lb bombs going off, and 50 tons of incendiary bomb on top, can destroy a building.


Sure, but not the way that happened, plus they should not have even reached thier targets.

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There was also footage of him celebrating after the attack - until he panicked, realising that the US would come for him, and started denying it all..


That is not true, he supported the attacks sure, he denied involvement though.


The US were not looking for him, they let him escape repeatedly, even airlifted him into Pakistan when he was cornered near the Afghani border several years ago now some official sources report.

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Venger, do you honestly, seriously, genuinely believe that the US has shot down 59 passenger airliners over domestic soil (or anywhere for that matter) since 1970???


I truly do not know Tony, but there is so much other strong evidenvce to support US involvement I would not need to rely on this.

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