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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Originally Posted by Longcol

I think he did

Anybody for" 9/11 conspiracy theorists" and "logic" in the same encyclopaedia?


If you did a bit of reading on the subject, you might surprise yourself !


'Might', but highly, highly unlikely.

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'Might', but highly, highly unlikely.


Thats a laugh coming from someone who has confessed to pop in and out of this thread with selective reading when it suits him but still has ALL the answers.

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We are talking about a massive crime to humanity if proven correct, (which has more support than you clearly understand) that has affected the the World.

Get in line for the investigation of massive crimes against humanity. We are still yet to see Karadic or Mladic faced with Justice and that was a long time ago.


You've shown that your reading of any evidence or material you read is selective and imaginative, and you present items as if their authenticity or authority was beyond question. This is simply not the case.


Since you are unable to defend the authority of these commentators, you produce new commentators and new material.


Like any major incident, a cover-up is all but part of the standard response.


What you need to do is do what all investigators do when they have a theory, which is try discredit it themselves. Post something that casts doubt over your certainty about who is responsible, if you can. What do you think is the single most pertinent fact about incident that does not fit with the broad consipracy view (WTC demolished, no plane at pentagon, US adminstration responsible directly for ordering the attacjk etc)?


You must accept that, whatever version of events you believe to be true, it is not and cannot be all encompassing, i.e it's not the whole picture: therefore there must be facts that do not support your argument. What are they?


Unless you can find this sort of thing out as well then you are in danger of being seduced into the trap of self-confirming research.


You call that pointless ?

All polls are pointless and should be used for personal amusement only. ;)

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Thats a laugh coming from someone who has confessed to pop in and out of this thread with selective reading when it suits him but still has ALL the answers.


No, I don't have all of the answers, but I do have quite a few of them, and I base my answers on my qualifications and 2 decades of professional knowledge and experience (which just happens to be very relevant to this thread), rather than knee-jerk reaction to wild claims made by self-proclaimed experts on loony websites, by somebody who clearly does not understand what he's talking about.


Claims that are utterly laughable to people with more than a pinch of snuff between their ears.


As I said before, you made such an issue of thinking that the US has shot down 59 airliners over recent years - this was such a profoundly ridiculous piece of garbage to grab onto that anything you come out with now simply cannot be taken seriously. Everybody on the thread was just dying to hear how you would justify that one – funnily enough, that claim was blown out of the water, as we knew it would, but you just had to cling onto it blindly thinking it was true.


If you can get excited about so silly a piece of false information, something that is hilariously impossible to the rest of the world, what else will you believe?


If somebody has on a website an article in which a witness claims to have seen George Bush himself running up and down the steps of the towers with fizzing sticks of dynamite, will you believe it?

Maybe Osama Bin Laden doesn’t exist – he’s just Condalisa rice in drag brewing up an excuse for wars. Would that lie comfortably with your theories?

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Something's rotten about what happened on 9/11 and I think that Venger is brave to stand up to potential ridicule as a 'conspiracy theorist'.


There are certain 'conspiracies' that at the end of the day, don't really matter. For example - were the moon landings faked? Who really cares? But the 9/11 attacks and the resulting war, death and corruption (hello Halliburton and Kellog, Brown and Root) had and will have a tremendous impact on our futures and those of future generations. When there are irregularities and unanswered questions related to such an earth-shattering event, it pays to ask questions. Thankfully, more people are starting to do that, especially in the 'States where it was previously tantamount to treason to question the official line of what happened.


There are just too many inconsistencies to sweep this under the carpet.


I'm with you, Venger...and on a non-serious note - you were cool in Dungeons and Dragons. ;)

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Stop Crowing Bartfarst, most of us have given up the fruitless arguement:P


Most, but not all. There will always be loonies who believe all sorts of insane ideas, but Venger may not be beyond redemption.

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Something's rotten about what happened on 9/11 and I think that Venger is brave to stand up to potential ridicule as a 'conspiracy theorist'.



But the 9/11 attacks and the resulting war, death and corruption (hello Halliburton and Kellog, Brown and Root) had and will have a tremendous impact on our futures and those of future generations.



When there are irregularities and unanswered questions related to such an earth-shattering event, it pays to ask questions. Thankfully, more people are starting to do that, especially in the 'States where it was previously tantamount to treason to question the official line of what happened.


There are just too many inconsistencies to sweep this under the carpet.


I'm with you, Venger...and on a non-serious note - you were cool in Dungeons and Dragons. ;)


Thankyou very much :) the $20 is in the post :thumbsup:



I have not even started on Halliburton and Kellog, Brown and Root and its involvement with Cheney, cocaine, oil and military connections etc, but then I would be told I was making it up anyways :loopy:


Yes it pays to ask questions, not always easy when :


"JUly 26, 2002 process servers, seeking to serve Vice President Cheney with a subpoena for his role in the allegedly criminal behaviour, were turned away from the White House by armed guards."


Judicial Watch

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