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9/11 conspiracy theories


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You've shown that your reading of any evidence or material you read is selective and imaginative, and you present items as if their authenticity or authority was beyond question. This is simply not the case.


Since you are unable to defend the authority of these commentators, you produce new commentators and new material.



You must accept that, whatever version of events you believe to be true, it is not and cannot be all encompassing, i.e it's not the whole picture: therefore there must be facts that do not support your argument. What are they?;)


I have presented a huge minority of my findings, I do not present my points as unquestionable but open material, I am happy to question them unlike what seems to be the majority.


Defending these commentators has not been my intention, not only should their backgrounds speak themselves, I present other material because there is just so much of it, and this information has generally been ignored because it it difficult and in some cases impossible to challenge.


I am still looking Phan, but the further I look, the nastier it becomes.

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