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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Just watching a report on BBC about the problems the dust from the twin tower demolition has brought.


Man why the Hysteria in the reporters voice??? Do they love adding the drama to accompany the background music (most times taken from horror films for these kind of reports)?


Well you are kinda missing the point here, many of the American people feel that the US Government have failed it's people by not helping the short and longer term casualties, just like with the recent floodings.


It still confuses me how a fire, fuelled by hydrocarbons brought down 3 huge sky scrapers made from concrete and steel in one day.



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Well you are kinda missing the point here, many of the American people feel that the US Government have failed it's people by not helping the short and longer term casualties, just like with the recent floodings.


It still confuses me how a fire, fuelled by hydrocarbons brought down 3 huge sky scrapers made from concrete and steel in one day.





No i'm not missing the point, I realise how the US Government have let down the victims of 9/11 (such as these dust victims), same as they've let down Vietnam soldiers and victims of New Orleans. I was just pointing out to the fact about Reporters and how they like to add drama and hysteria to their reports (its the Martin Bashir syndrome, even though they began doing this hysteria drama things before him, they are like failed bad actors) and like AJ Sheffield says reports don't just want to report they want be celebrities!!!


Incidently I don't know if you read my post fully but I did use he word "Demolition" I saw that video which shows the towers coming down in sssslllloooowwww motion and this guy points out the exploisions happening just below the collapsing floors and these were exact same explosions demolition crews use to bring down buildings - makes you think!!!

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I recently saw the actor Richard Dreyfuss on the news who was saying exactly the same thing, that the reporters seem to have lost their objectivity and go instead for a “media moment”


He commented that the British media were “five to six months behind the American media at their worst” that the news gave no context to a big news event like 9/11 but instead provided “pictures & prose” which is no substitute for proper information and encourages the viewers to jump to emotional judgements.


When I see posters on this forum insisting that the twin towers were brought down by explosive charges instead of the much more likely cognitive arguments involving high speed impacts with huge airliners I think Mr Dreyfuss has a valid point.


More info at : http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp?idq=/ff/story/0002/20060502/0917814363.htm

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....When I see posters on this forum insisting that the twin towers were brought down by explosive charges instead of the much more likely cognitive arguments involving high speed impacts with huge airliners I think Mr Dreyfuss has a valid point....


You haven't seen the DVD then:o

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I can already hear Bartfarst and Tony getting the text books out again :D

No textbooks, just professional knowledge. If I have to explain pressure transfer down lift shafts and the difference between HE blast effects and straightforward overpressures from a building collapse again, I'll have a stroke. Dear God why don’t the uneducated and untrained listen?


Other convincing truths:


- There are UFOs, they land in cornfields and leave patterns.

- There was no moon landing.

- Diana was a space alien assassinated by Mother Theresa.

- The Twin Towers were brought down by demolition charges. George Bush lit the fuse, Wil E Coyote planted the charges.

- I am a lefty do-gooder.

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Apology accepted.


Man you are such a prick-arious poster.


You think you know one fact, therefore you know all truths.


Then patronise other peoples views to polish your own ego :loopy:


I may ask the MODS if they can change your name to fartbar, seems more appropriate :thumbsup:

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