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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Wow, are there really 43 pages of this now! The real problem with the nutters thinking that September the 11th was a fake/hoax/consiracy/UFO's is that the really sinister stuff can get swept under the carpet because it is all seen to be part of one huge "conspiracy theory". We should be concerned with how the US right wing use the genuine attack to continue the arms race by having a war on terrorism. Instead we have silly conspiracy theories so that any real comment will receive a reply of "well they would say that, these people think the pope is an alien who murdered JFK".


I would also say that the person who said the UK media are months behind the americans need to visit the US and watch their TV. I remember Fox news having "all the worlds news in 90 seconds" . I large proportion of the US get their world news by watching a few seconds per country on a right wing news channel.


You fancy rewriting that in some kind of coherent form please ?

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i think the people who try and put down these collections of observations that highlight how the official 911 story (and so many others) just does not add up seem to do so without actually checking out the material themselves (which takes a bit of effort) :suspect:


once you do start to look behind the official version it's blatantly obvious that something is not right :huh:


but to go from a place of believing that our governments have our best interests at heart to realising that at the higher levels they do not takes a bit of courage :love:

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but to go from a place of believing that our governments have our best interests at heart to realising that at the higher levels they do not takes a bit of courage :love:


I find it very hard to believe that ANYONE nowadays is so naive as to still believe our governments care the slightest, tiniest bit about any of us.


All governments are self-serving monoliths, whose only goal is to perpetuate themselves and grab as much power as they can to consolidate their position.



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Wow, are there really 43 pages of this now!


Not really.... if you look at the start date by Geoff its 2003.... I started the thread about feb. this year and for some reason Geoff dragged his thread from a few years before and attached mine to it.... don't ask me why. :D :D :D

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I find it very hard to believe that ANYONE nowadays is so naive as to still believe our governments care the slightest, tiniest bit about any of us.


All governments are self-serving monoliths, whose only goal is to perpetuate themselves and grab as much power as they can to consolidate their position.




i mostly agree with you but i'd like to add that the goal of governments these days,particularly usa and uk (on the surface), is a NEW WORLD ORDER - one world government with a microchipped population


total lockdown


if people think that that's some kind of kookie theory, try doing some research, then get back to me with your blinkers removed


bush the elder said as much in a famous speech on March 6, 1991, tho he didn't mention the microchipping in the speech!



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i mostly agree with you but i'd like to add that the goal of governments these days,particularly usa and uk (on the surface), is a NEW WORLD ORDER - one world government with a microchipped population


total lockdown


Oh yes, of course, I completely agree with you on that.


That is the way the Neo-Conservatives are taking us all, whether we want a "New World Order" or not. It's well on its way, unfortunately. :(


We're heading fast towards a world that makes "1984" look like a walk in the park.



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that does seem to be the case - i wonder what we can do to screw with their plans?


answers on a postcard to helpless cattle, po box 666, usa


i guess the first thing to do is tell people about it, get them to see beyond state sanctioned media's warped picture of the world

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