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9/11 conspiracy theories


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I watched a brilliant DVD the other day that I got from a good friend of mine and if you can find it -give it a watch- its well worth the wait.


Tis called 911: Loose Change and can be viewed here

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8260059923762628848 and also check out their website at: http://www.loosechange911.com/


If anyone can believe that 911 was still not some government coverup then I shake my head in dismay.


The people involved in LooseChange go through a lot of the BS that was spouted by a lot of people in the US and they disprove of all of it especially- and the bit that certifies all of the cover up for me- the Pentagon attack.


I'm not going into the whole why I believe in the coverup again as its been done lots of times- check out the video link I posted- its well worth the watch however long it is (its 1hr and 30 mins I think)


I'd like to know how many people after watching it can come back on here and say its not a coverup- the conspiracy is wrong!

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dealt with? More like battered to death with sticks!!:D


More like - swept under the carpet and forgotten about like the american government would have you do.


The problem is though- that if you swallow the whole 911 'attack' BS - what other lies are they feeding you that you believe in as well.


Watching through the video made me realise just how the US government would treat people like idiots without a mind of our own.

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in a nutshell:


the strongest part of the conspiracy theory is the seemingly unprecedented way the buildings collapsed - notably the WT7 building, which was several hundred yards away from the impact zone, yet collapsed dramatically, in a way some see as identical to a 'controlled demolition'.


the skeptics all support the official fema report, which relies upon a somewhat clumbsy 'pancake-effect' theory to explain the twin towers collapsing; the report also appears to undervalue the core strength of the towers' central support system, possibly in an attempt to back up its argument.


all the videos ive seen so far have an even mixture of fact and fantasy, although some of the facts surrounding the months leading up to 911 are just unexplainable by chance alone.


the situation of what happened to wt7 still remains unsolved, the official report cannot confirm how it collapsed. there is certainly something dodgy there, especially as the other wt buildings situated much closer to the twin towers didnt collapse.

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