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9/11 conspiracy theories


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in a nutshell:


the strongest part of the conspiracy theory is the seemingly unprecedented way the buildings collapsed - notably the WT7 building, which was several hundred yards away from the impact zone, yet collapsed dramatically, in a way some see as identical to a 'controlled demolition'.


Not sure it is the strongest part of eveidence, just the most dramatic and widely documented.



dealt with? More like battered to death with sticks!!:D


Absolute nonsense, try doing a bit of your own research :thumbsup:

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Not sure it is the strongest part of eveidence, just the most dramatic and widely documented.

Absolute nonsense, try doing a bit of your own research :thumbsup:


I have done and agree with alot of what you say. By that Imean that they were demolished by pre laid charges, but not that it was a plot by the yanks.

This was a definite attack by al Qiada led by Mohammed Atta.

The book 'The Base' gives avery good coverage of this man and his fellow murderers.

What I meant by 'battered to death etc.' is that as soon as any tries to post regarding it they howled down by rabid pro establishment types

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We've explained it quite a lot, but you didn't listen. I'm not into headbutting walls ;)


Come on Tony, you have clearly not looked at those links.


I do not dismiss at all what you offer, there is just so much other supporting evidence which you and fartbar choose to blinker yourselves from.

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How is old Osama by the way?


Have the combined forces of the American and British armies caught him yet or have they given up looking for him?


They seemed very keen to capture the World's Number 1 Terrorist™ in the interests of Justice & Freedom™ just a few years ago, but since then, you probably can't have failed to notice that things have, er, gone quiet over there... :suspect:

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They will never catch him if they are looking still in the caves or whatever.

He is probably clean shaven, wearing a business suit and leading a suburban life style some where.

I would imagine he will be able to go about his activities better within western society, than stuck on an Afghan mountainside.

Imagine if this dream of a worldwide Utopia ever did come fruition, the betrayal that will take place of all the foot soldiers, who have given so much to further this aim.

They will be back exactly where they started, with nothing, whilst their leaders will live in luxury.

Power corrupts Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely

This applies to all Mankind

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It's more the invention of a whole new set of physics that leaves a little to be desired ;)


what's this you're on about?


the new physics you mention could be referring to how the official 911 investigation reckons that the steel supports were melted by aviation fuel burning - which is lobbox as the melting point of the steel used is much higher than the temps reached by burning fuel - not forgetting that most of the fuel went up in big fireballs within a few seconds of the crashes

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They will never catch him if they are looking still in the caves or whatever.

He is probably clean shaven, wearing a business suit and leading a suburban life style some where.

I would imagine he will be able to go about his activities better within western society, than stuck on an Afghan mountainside.

Imagine if this dream of a worldwide Utopia ever did come fruition, the betrayal that will take place of all the foot soldiers, who have given so much to further this aim.

They will be back exactly where they started, with nothing, whilst their leaders will live in luxury.

Power corrupts Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely

This applies to all Mankind


aye, seeing as the bin laden family own shed loads of property and businesses in the usa, he's probably ceo of a corp over there, shaven faced and a little plastic surgeried!

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