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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Isn't that an oxymoron? All coincidences are unlikely by their very nature. Coincidences are not proof of anything else.


why does that seem like a contradiction in terms to you?


and who said that cooincidences are proof of anything? not me


some cooincidences are more probable than others - for instance if you pop down the shops and bump into a friend who lives on your street, that would be a cooincidence - if you bump into a friend who emigrated to australia many years ago, that would be a less likely cooincidence

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This is complete rubbish, but then what elements of this aren't!


There were some fighters taking part in an exercise in Cananda and Alaska. If you check you will probbaly find that there are some there now. Last time I was in Goose Bay, Canada, it was full of the Lufwaffe but nobody used the opportunity to bomb Berlin.


Having extra aircraft, and simulated aircraft, in Canada doesn't have any bearing on New York whatsoever. I don't know exactly where in Canada they were but I do know that none of that airspace would appear on an ATC radar in New York in order to confuse them.


The idea that jets taken away from the North East and therefore being unable to defend New York, assumes they would have done just that. In fact they would have needed to be ready on the tarmac waiting for an attack, understood that they were being atacked, find someone to give the order to shoot down a civilian airliner full of Americans, and then manage to get to the area quick enough. Now that we have had 9/11 we know to expect such things and so there is more chance of that happening but in 2001 there was no chance of an interception. Let's not forget that, until 2001, hijacked airliners were usually taken for hostages not for suicide.


why is your comment about the luftwaffe relevant?


and i didn't mention canada


there were several air traffic exercises going on at the same time in north us air space - an unusually high amount - a cooincidence with a low probability of happening


fighter jets are normally kept on alert just in case of something like this happening, but on the day it did most of them were miles away taking part in exercises -

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I though Venger was suffering from wild delusions over this subject, but it would seem he's running a distant second now.


have you actually checked out anything other than the official whitehouse version of this event?


cos even their report just doesn't add up


if you take into consideration factors that they decided to leave out, things definately do not add up


then look at who has benefitted from the political climate change since 911 ...

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fighter jets are normally kept on alert just in case of something like this happening, but on the day it did most of them were miles away taking part in exercises -


That is interesting.


A bit like the majority of the aircraft carriers being away from Pearl Harbour on the day of the Japanese attack? Coincidences?



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That is interesting.


A bit like the majority of the aircraft carriers being away from Pearl Harbour on the day of the Japanese attack? Coincidences?






you got it


and like how the new and better warships were mostly moved away from pearl harbour before it happened


and now i know how to spell coincidence, too


ta luv!



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I used to be sceptical but I am now convinced and I am now a believer. The thing that has changed my mind is the illuminating evidence related to Pearl Harbo(u)r. I had always assumed that the US were incompetant and didn't want to get dragged into a world war. I then further assumed that they wouldn't want to lose their Pacific fleet at the start of such a war and leave their west coast virtually undefended. I have now reconsidered this and realize that Pearl Harbo(u)r was the work of the pentagon. The proof? Simply that the aircraft carriers weren't in port at the time. I have only one nagging doubt, that some of the Japonese involved are still alive and still claim they flew real aircraft and attacked real ships, but perhaps they are still on a retainer from the CIA.


I am less convinced about the twin towers case as this seems much more real to me than Pearl Harbo(u)r. I realize that people who don't understand ATC, engineering and such like can still see problems with the accounts, but I can't. The alledged air exercises were mentioned so I looked them up and found that they didn't affect anything. Such exercises take place regularly outside of airways and TMAs. The hijackers are allegedged to have turned off the transponders to make themselves look like these exercises and therfore they must have known about the exercises. This may well be the case but ....


1. If you turn off the trasnponder, you are still on the radar but don't send your altitude information. This means that they could decend over New York and nobody would know they had done so. It might add to the confusion.


2. It is relatively easy to find out about military exercises. Big exercises are published well in advance. For example, there are large exercise areas in the pennines and in off the south coast. Printed on aviation maps are the telephone numbers to call to see if you can fly through the area on a particular day. If I wanted to fly from Southampton to Jersey today, then there would be a "Thursday War" in the channel between the two places. I call a telephone number and a nice chap will tell me exactly what time they will be flying aircraft towards the ships etc. Since the terrorists were pilots they would know all this.

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1. If you turn off the trasnponder, you are still on the radar but don't send your altitude information. This means that they could decend over New York and nobody would know they had done so. It might add to the confusion.


The military can detect altitude without a working transponder, Pingpang is correct about the sxercises being conducted and none of this type were performed prior to 9/11 another coincedence ? :loopy:

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I used to be sceptical but I am now convinced and I am now a believer. The thing that has changed my mind is the illuminating evidence related to Pearl Harbo(u)r. I had always assumed that the US were incompetant and didn't want to get dragged into a world war. I then further assumed that they wouldn't want to lose their Pacific fleet at the start of such a war and leave their west coast virtually undefended. I have now reconsidered this and realize that Pearl Harbo(u)r was the work of the pentagon. The proof? Simply that the aircraft carriers weren't in port at the time. I have only one nagging doubt, that some of the Japonese involved are still alive and still claim they flew real aircraft and attacked real ships, but perhaps they are still on a retainer from the CIA.



Well if you are willing to do a bit of reading, try 'Crossing the Rubicon'


I will post the ISBN when I have more time.


You might be interested in the lecture by David Ray Griffin I posted a page or so ago, agin which nobody else seems to have looked at :confused:

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