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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Well if you are willing to do a bit of reading, try 'Crossing the Rubicon'


I will post the ISBN when I have more time.


You might be interested in the lecture by David Ray Griffin I posted a page or so ago, agin which nobody else seems to have looked at :confused:


You really need to stop thinking that something must be true because it is in a book. Just remember that many people think that the "da Vinci Code" is real just because it is in a book.


As regards radar, this is a perfect example of how bits of infomation that are sort of true can be manipulated so that they appear to form part of a conspiracy. No doubt you have some book that explains that Military Radar can see height because this is used to guide military aircraft down in bad weather. Well, this is sort of half true and so it fits the theories of conspiracy theory crackpots perfectly.


In fact, military units do often have radar system that give a height readout and civilian systems do not. However, here are the problems with the idea that this would have been useful on the day of the attacks:


1. The height readout only works close to the airport and on a narrow band to the left and right of the runway heading. It is only used once an aircraft is lines up to land which, depending on terrain, is usually from about 2000/3000 ft doen to the ground.


2. Radar systems are line of sight.


3. Normal military radar covers the area around military areas and then not close to the overhead.

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You really need to stop thinking that something must be true because it is in a book. Just remember that many people think that the "da Vinci Code" is real just because it is in a book.


Well thankyou for that, not sure it was needed but the intention was there :huh:


Yeah, many people like the bible also :rolleyes:


Meaning what?


another amazing coincedence on the same fateful day :(

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OK, so now the US Government has released footage of the Pentagon attack from one of their own CCTV cameras. All I will say is that it shows nothing conclusive, but no doubt it will open up the debate again.

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OK, so now the US Government has released footage of the Pentagon attack from one of their own CCTV cameras. All I will say is that it shows nothing conclusive, but no doubt it will open up the debate again.


I checked the footage out a while back, its a missile..

Its too small - its no way near a 737 size which would have severly messed up the wall of the pentagon easily.

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I checked the footage out a while back, its a missile..

Its too small - its no way near a 737 size which would have severly messed up the wall of the pentagon easily.


This is different footage Angelus. The original was from a petrol forecourt, this is from a Pentagon CCTV camera. However, the images are pretty much the same.

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Can I express my amazement as to why these conspiracy theorists (same goes for Princess Di & Moon landing threads) have never been hired as investigative journalists by the likes of the BBC, ITV, Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New York Times, Le Monde etc etc - one would consider that they'd be beating a path to the door of people with such advanced analytical skills.

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Can I express my amazement as to why these conspiracy theorists (same goes for Princess Di & Moon landing threads) have never been hired as investigative journalists by the likes of the BBC, ITV, Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New York Times, Le Monde etc etc - one would consider that they'd be beating a path to the door of people with such advanced analytical skills.


If you carefully pick your way through some of those formats carefully, they do give away some shocking information.


As for hiring what your call conspiracy theorists, statistically there will be many sceptics, more than there jobs are worth, are any of those mentioned a free press :rolleyes:

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