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9/11 conspiracy theories


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10-05-2006, 12:05 PM #686


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Im just messing

Seriuosly I have seen steel framed building that have been on fire, in my capacity as works engineer. The roof trusses and columns look like so many strings of spagehetti looping down to the floor, It seems amzing that one metre wide I sectoin can give like that.

i also once saw the aftermath of a boiler explosion, where the drum had split along its seam, the drum opened out nearly flat (this was six foot dia boiler at 15 bar). Steel can behave in strange ways at high temp and pressure


That is my statement earlier in this thread, confirms what I said

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I checked the footage out a while back, its a missile..

Its too small - its no way near a 737 size which would have severly messed up the wall of the pentagon easily.


Ogrish dot com released, on Tuesday, images showing much evidence of the plane which entered the Pentagon, and gruesome images of some rather over-cooked passengers. I suppose this is yet another piece of hard evidence that the conspiracy theorists will have to 'cleverly' argue away. Get working girls and boys!


By the way, I don't recommend you visit Ogrish. Some of the material they have there will give you nightmares.

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some people just don't bother with little things like evidence do they? :huh:


Including your good self.


There are several documtries and books that take this argument too deeper levels.


You should try looking!

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Did you watch the SOlidWorks reconstruction venger? What did you make of it?


In brief, the photographs can be reoved as solid evidence.


A reconstruction like that looks near factual and impressive.


Who is involved the company would be a question.


Why the delay another.


Not bothered at the moment to be honest.


But if that is the best defence, I wish them well.

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There are several documtries and books that take this argument too deeper levels.


Yes. Indeed there are. Fortunately for the producers and authors there are plenty of none-too-bright and gullible conspiracy theory believers out there. These guys have all made a substantial, and in my mind fraudulent, 'killing' out of the tragic events of September the Eleventh.

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In brief, the photographs can be reoved as solid evidence.


A reconstruction like that looks near factual and impressive.


Who is involved the company would be a question.


Why the delay another.


Not bothered at the moment to be honest.


But if that is the best defence, I wish them well.


Venger, you espouse an open mind, I urge you to show one.

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