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9/11 conspiracy theories


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"A group of leading scientists, now including 49 Nobel laureates, 63

National Medal of Science recipients, and 175 members of the National Academies, has said that

the Bush Administration engages in “distortion of scientific knowledge for partisan political


All crackpots presumably !

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"A group of leading scientists, now including 49 Nobel laureates, 63

National Medal of Science recipients, and 175 members of the National Academies, has said that

the Bush Administration engages in “distortion of scientific knowledge for partisan political


All crackpots presumably !


Does that have anything to do with 9/11 or any conspiracy? No.


Does it have anything to do with Bush's stance on science, the environment, & his friend Jesus? Oh yes.


Don't distort things just to fit your loony agenda, that way you're exactly the same as him...

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I dont believe that its possable for steel buildings to completely fall down and disintegrate after being on fire for 1 1/2 hours even after they have been hit by planes .

I especially dont believe that they fall down neatly in less than 10 seconds if no plane is involved .(yes iI know it had a couple small fires on it )

If that makes me a loony then so be it ! Im a loony!

Im not alone there are scientists ,engineers ,military experts, authors ,politicians theologians and philosophers ,religous leaders and eye witnesses all wanting answers and we arn't going to go away !

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Do you also subscribe to 'flat Earth' theory? Or believe in Gnomes and Elves?

Maybe you're just incredibly perverse? With so many real issues in the world to bother about it both saddens and staggers me slightly that there are people able to get so excited about ideas that are patently false and have an overwhelming body of evidence that proves it.

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A good link. A logical, succinct, factual and scientific article. It's a shame that the conspiracy theory believers won't bother to read it, cognitive dissonance avoidance I believe. They'll also prefer not to watch this:





lol That just repeatedly calls a few people an as****e, lol so that is evidence :hihi:

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A good link. A logical, succinct, factual and scientific article. It's a shame that the conspiracy theory believers won't bother to read it, cognitive dissonance avoidance I believe. They'll also prefer not to watch this:




And you believe those numpties Penn and Teller? :help:


If only we could bring Bill Hicks back.. :rolleyes:

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"Two hours before he was to debate a member of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" on a Seattle radio talk show, a research editor for "Popular Mechanics" magazine pulls out.


Seattle - The magazine Popular Mechanics, which recently released a book slamming the 9/11 Truth movement, cancelled a radio debate Tuesday between one of the book's contributors and a 9/11 truth activist just two hours before airtime. The debate, planned two weeks in advance, was scheduled to air on the Dori Munson talk radio program on KIRO AM 710, August the 22nd, at 1:00 PM."


Why dont you volunteer to take his place ?


Naturally I was shocked to find out that "Popular Mechanics" had pulled out of a debate on the world-renowned radio station KIRO710, on the chat show hosted by the distinguished presenter Dori Munson. It’s almost like "Popular Mechanics" are admitting they've got it wrong isn’t it? Obviously they felt they couldn't satisfactorily defend the conclusions of their book on air.


So I undertook some independent research on the matter. My first port of call was the KIRO710 website, and, amazingly,




Immediately I suspected CIA involvement. So I bought all the Dori-Munson-doesn’t-exist conspiracy theory books, and the videos, and I've been down the pub and discussed the issues with my crackpot friends. It turns out, not surprisingly, that he was abducted by the CIA. Cleverly, and without anyone noticing (including his wife, children and Yorkshire Terrier named Bob) they replaced him with CIA operative Brad Carson, who fortunately for them was a Dori Munson lookylikey. But they made one fatal error, they got his name wrong, they called him Dori Monson. It’s just a small typo, and initially nobody noticed, until this one page website, cryptically titled “Who’s Dori Monson”, appeared on the internet:




Check it out. It’s bizarre. I was expecting it to tell me that Dori is a great bloke, his wife is fit, his dog Bob is cute, everyone loves him, and stuff like that. But no. It says things like “Dave Ross on KIRO can intelligently tackle significant issues affecting society, Dori tends to ignore them in favor of truly important issues like favorite summer songs. Or picking football winners with two nuns.”


What is dorimonson.com really trying to tell us? Who would want to discredit Dori Monson? Is it "Popular Mechanics" (read "CIA") trying to explain why they didn't turn up for the show? Or is it something more sinister?


Oh. And just try looking for dorimunson.com. Does it exist? Nope. What does that tell you?


This whole 9/11 business just gets curiouser and curiouser...

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What is dorimonson.com really trying to tell us? Who would want to discredit Dori Monson? Is it "Popular Mechanics" (read "CIA") trying to explain why they didn't turn up for the show? Or is it something more sinister?


Oh. And just try looking for dorimunson.com. Does it exist? Nope. What does that tell you?


That you have too much time on your hands.

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