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9/11 conspiracy theories


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just a small point but most of the fuel exploded in the impact-fireball


max burning temp of aviatyion fuel something like 1800 degrees farenheit


that's with full oxygen supply, not in the middle of a smoky building, evben if there was any fuel left to burn after initial explosion


melting temp of steel used in structure about 2400 deg farenht


do the sums they don't add up


What temperature, precisely, is required to soften steel sufficiently that it yields under the specific loads endured in the WTC? What kind of steel was used in the construction of the WTC?


I ask, because surely you must know in order to come to the conclusions you have.

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What temperature, precisely, is required to soften steel sufficiently that it yields under the specific loads endured in the WTC? What kind of steel was used in the construction of the WTC?


I ask, because surely you must know in order to come to the conclusions you have.

I think it is about 400-550 C when it first starts to give (dull red) but it may be different with different steels

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just a small point but most of the fuel exploded in the impact-fireball


Wrong, the burning fuel did not all 'explode on impact' it burns for a long time, some of the fuel was forced from the impact to the lobby via the lift shafts, a number of people where burnt to death at ground floor level. This was witnessed in the film by the documentary film makers following the NYFD rookie.


max burning temp of aviatyion fuel something like 1800 degrees farenheit


Nice and precise I see.


that's with full oxygen supply, not in the middle of a smoky building, evben if there was any fuel left to burn after initial explosion


Ever heard of furnaces, You know the enclosed spaces were, steel, iron, aluminium etc. are melted. Also the planes made huge holes in the buildings there was enough air getting sucked in to fan an intense fire.


melting temp of steel used in structure about 2400 deg farenht


Who said it melted. It was weakened.


do the sums they don't add up


I did the sums and you do not add up



:loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:

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Gaaahhhhh!!!!!!! How many more times!!!


The building didn't fail because the steel melted, because the steel didn't melt!!!!!!!!!! The steel, concrete and associated structure failed in a combined and catastrophic manner!!!!!


For those of us who know one or two things about buildings this is a very very simple concept to understand and needs no explaining. Please, just take my word for it.


There, I feel better now :)

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Gaaahhhhh!!!!!!! How many more times!!!


The building didn't fail because the steel melted, because the steel didn't melt!!!!!!!!!! The steel, concrete and associated structure failed in a combined and catastrophic manner!!!!!


For those of us who know one or two things about buildings this is a very very simple concept to understand and needs no explaining. Please, just take my word for it.


There, I feel better now :)


Yeah! I agree.... on a very simplistic level, imagine a Glass House and a hard brick. Only one pane will give in, but imagine it unsupported by a substantive interconnected alloy framework.... Catastrophic failure.

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Not an expert, but having seen every tower block blown up on Norfolk Park I know what a controlled explosion looks like. The way the Twin towers collapsed seemed uncannily similar to be, too "neat"

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