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9/11 conspiracy theories


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It is no more difficult to fly a 330 degree turn at 500 knots than it is at 200.

I'll respect your knowledge of aviation, Ken: just to make the comment that it was a masterly bit of flying to control the plane so low above the ground before bringing into the building.


One question which struck me, however, was instead of doing the 330 degree turn why didn't Hanjour try for a more tempting target a few hundred metres away? It's true that the White House has secret service missile defences but given that most of the US military and air traffic surveillance people seemed to be taking a nap that morning he might have got away with it. If I was an Al-Qaeda operative I think it would be more heroic to be shot down in flames over the White House lawn than to crash into some boring corner of the Pentagon.


The sceptic theory of course is that the Pentagon was hit by a missile. This would deal with the difficulty of what happened to the purported plane's tail and wings.

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... but it wouldn't deal with the 200 independent eye witnesses, the flattened lamp posts, the damaged generator and all those bits of an airliner that were found at the scene.


Oh and the missing airliner and souls aboard it ;)



(And just to get you up to speed the phenomenon of an aircraft fully or partially disintegrating when hitting a building is well known and understood, so no surprises there either.)

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One question which struck me, however, was instead of doing the 330 degree turn why didn't Hanjour try for a more tempting target a few hundred metres away?


The most likely reason is that he had a plan and was sticking to it. None of them simply flew to New York and then looked for a likely target, they all knew what they were doing.

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I have to say that all these crackpot theories make great reading provided you aren't gullible enough to believe any of it. The worst part about all the crackpot theories is that any small conspiracies can be easily hidden because they get lumped together with the really daft ones. This really means that the conspiracy nutters are actualy helping the Bush administration.


I found one site that goes through the usual "proof" that the pentagon was attacked by a missile but then goes even further. Apparently there is the image of a large all-seeing eye on the run in to that attack which can be seen from the air. This proves that the illuminati are behind the attack. It doesn't make it entirely clear why a missile needs a huge all-seeing eye to guide it rather than the usual GPS, but I am sure there will be a perfectly reasonable explanation. For an explanation of Illuminati symbology that site recomends reading David Ickes book on the subject. I need say no more.

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