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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Another Pearl Harbour perhaps?


Easier to pay some hothead terrorist outfit to execute the events of 9/11 than to try and fake it after all. Occams Razor.


The 'dumbass' conspiracy is just the outer layer on the onion.


There's no truth, just more layers.




I recognize the references in this post :) But who is it that always uses the "onion" analogy for conspiracy? Chomsky?


I don't subscribe to this hypothesis (lets get the terminology right conspiracy theory would mean it's testable, it really should be conspiracy hypothesis), however there are some weird things, which will keep this running for a while.


The big ones are as follows...


1) PNAC (Project for a new American century, http://www.newamericancentury.org/) is the web site for the neo-cons. Wolferwitz, Rumsfeld etc. As per polys comment, one of their comments is that it would require an event the size of Pearl Harbor to get the public support for a war in the Middle East. People link that to..... well.. an event the size of perl harbor which did give the justification for war.

2) The video of the pentigon is odd. It does not look like a plane, and there are no wings in the after shots. This is pretty weird, but I am sure there is a valid reason for it. There are quiet a few eye witnesses who say it was more like a missile than a plane.

3) A guy who worked in the basement of one tower, save 14 lives. One of the guys he saved was burnt, and he came from the basement. The man who saved him says he saw, felt and heard an explosion under the towers, just after the planes hit (he felt that too). Again I tend to think that there is a valid explanation, maybe a gas rupture caused by the impact.


While many countries including America (cuba) have run covert terrorist missions, that are made to look like they are being attacked, to swing public support. One president even considered a huge attack on American soil (all in declassified records look it up, before you challenge these facts), i just don't see this being the case.

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I reckon that if a government is prepared to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians on the other side of the globe in order to secure its interests, it may be prepared to sacrifice a few thousand of its own :suspect:

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I've noticed that Carole continually posts threads of this nature. I've not checked to see if she says anything else in the forum. It seems that she/he(?) has an agenda. On that note, I agree with miniminch to a degree...


On the other hand, I can sympathise with Carole somewhat. I imagine that she's frustrated by the fact that - at the very least - there are many, many things about 9/11 that simply do not add up. So - she tries to spark debate or awareness on this topic, but gets shouted down for being a conspiracy nut. She might be - but that doesn't mean that we ought to discount some of the info that these 'nuts' have.


We SHOULD absolutely question these things since they have had such a big affect on the world and its people - directly leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Innocent people. There is no denying that the US government played on 9/11 to push forward with their plans to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Aside from the WMDs in Iraq (that didn't exist), what other reason did they have? (Granted Saddam was an evil man and needed 'removing', but there are other rogue leaders around the world and we're not doing much about them are we?) We're now at a crucial stage where Iran is the next great enemy through their nuclear program and we have a potential for another conflict that could escalate to nuclear war (imagine the fun if North Korea jumped in on this too).


Why don't the majority of the mainstream media report on the 9/11 irregularities? I would venture that they do not want to appear foolish and go against what is perceived to be the majority of opinion - that Islamic terrorists were wholly responsible for what happened. And so it's down to those on the fringe...the loonies, the crackpots and the conspiracy theorists to make some noise about something that has - to all intents and purposes - been swept under the carpet.


There's a good summary of the 9/11 oddities here http://www.financialoutrage.org.uk/911_mainstream_media.htm. !!WARNING - THIS IS A LOONEY CONSPIRACY THEORIST SITE!! :P;)


Whatever way you look at it - it bears further thought and discussion.

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One small point: IF the conspiracy theory is correct - quite skillfully planned and executed it was. Then, why was/is the war on Iraq such a mess and chaotic shambles? Surely they would have thought through right until the end ... or is the shambles and continued loss of American & allies lives what they planned too?

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Originally posted by Hels

One small point: IF the conspiracy theory is correct - quite it was skillfully planned and executed. Then, why was/is the war on Iraq such a mess and chaotic shambles? Surely they would have thought through right until the end ... or is the shambles and continued loss of American & allies lives what they planned too?


While I don't agree with this conspiracy theory, it IS in the realm of possibility. It has been often said by the media that the US is very good at quick well-coordinated offensives but is poor at drawn out conflicts. (e.g. Vietnam) No matter which way it occurred, it certainly worked out well for the current administration and the big oil companies for whom they appear to have a vested interest.


Social conservatism appears to be spreading like a disease throughout the US and is quite alarming. Cronies of the current right wing agenda appear to be so hell bent on controlling the actions of others (e.g. reversing Roe vs. Wade) that they would be willing to indulge any shortcoming by GWB and company.


It probably would be wise not to say more...I don't want a knock at the door... :(

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Originally posted by Hels

One small point: IF the conspiracy theory is correct - quite skillfully planned and executed it was. Then, why was/is the war on Iraq such a mess and chaotic shambles? Surely they would have thought through right until the end ... or is the shambles and continued loss of American & allies lives what they planned too?


Carolek might have some extreme ideas, but what is wrong with asking questions?


Some people don't bother.


I believe that the conspiracy theory is correct, done more research than most, so if you have any questions, I will try and get back to you.


Iraq a shambles, oh yes, and now roughly 60% of the US population think that Osama was linked to Iraq, lol.


Well thinking it through to the end might involve setting up a local government that will be destined for failure, and then deciding that it is unstable, so they will keep a military presence.


Fairly handy if they want airbases in the East, ready for their next fabricated war founded from lies and deceit from the bottom up.


Oh and the idea of killing a few of your own people, is that so different to killing other peoples? It's all life

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Originally posted by Chicago

While I don't agree with this conspiracy theory, it IS in the realm of possibility. It has been often said by the media that the US is very good at quick well-coordinated offensives but is poor at drawn out conflicts. (e.g. Vietnam) No matter which way it occurred, it certainly worked out well for the current administration and the big oil companies for whom they appear to have a vested interest.


Social conservatism appears to be spreading like a disease throughout the US and is quite alarming. Cronies of the current right wing agenda appear to be so hell bent on controlling the actions of others (e.g. reversing Roe vs. Wade) that they would be willing to indulge any shortcoming by GWB and company.


It probably would be wise not to say more...I don't want a knock at the door... :(


Fair comments, Fox News are quite good at shifting audiences opinions I believe ?


As for not agreeing with the conspiracy theory, dig a bit deeper and you will find.

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Originally posted by venger

Carolek might have some extreme ideas, but what is wrong with asking questions?


Some people don't bother.


I believe that the conspiracy theory is correct, done more research than most, so if you have any questions, I will try and get back to you.


Iraq a shambles, oh yes, and now roughly 60% of the US population think that Osama was linked to Iraq, lol.


Well thinking it through to the end might involve setting up a local government that will be destined for failure, and then deciding that it is unstable, so they will keep a military presence.


Fairly handy if they want airbases in the East, ready for their next fabricated war founded from lies and deceit from the bottom up.


Oh and the idea of killing a few of your own people, is that so different to killing other peoples? It's all life

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions but there are people who could be very upset by these 'theories' There are unstable people out there that could be triggered into harming themselves or others because of stress caused by these type of scenario's and 'THE END IS NIGH' type stuff. There are enough 'real' bad things going on in the world to upset people without inventing new ones. I think teenager who haven't had time to properly form their own opinions about this world are particularly vunerable.


It is ok for people who take it with a massive container full of salt but not everybody does:| I think people should be careful and think how it affects others.

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Originally posted by tulip

...there are people who could be very upset by these 'theories' There are unstable people out there that could be triggered into harming themselves or others because of stress caused by these type of scenario's and 'THE END IS NIGH' type stuff




That's why we have institutions with padded walls for just such individuals. In fact, some of the end is near people would benefit from such places. I actually saw a guy carrying an "End is Near" sign last week and I asked him where he got this information. He replied, "the panthers in the sewer told me!" I broke out laughing... :P

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Originally posted by Chicago



That's why we have institutions with padded walls for just such individuals. In fact, some of the end is near people would benefit from such places. I actually saw a guy carrying an "End is Near" sign last week and I asked him where he got this information. He replied, "the panthers in the sewer told me!" I broke out laughing... :P

You are just too sympathetic for words! Lock everyone up in padded cells for being distressed by conspiracy theories? I mensioned impressionable teenagers - lock them up aswell? Nice to know you laugh in the face of someone who is disturbed & mentally ill? Very nice:thumbsup:


It sounded like you were agreeing a little with a possible US conspiracy a while ago:confused:

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