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9/11 conspiracy theories


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I have to say that all these crackpot theories make great reading provided you aren't gullible enough to believe any of it.

There's a burden of proof issue though, Ken. The US Government is in possession of information and material - not least video footage - which could settle matters beyond doubt, but it does not release it. If you've got nothing to hide why behave as if you have?


Sceptics only have to find one significant hole in the official version to cast doubt on things whereas as the official version has to be kosher in its entirety. (A little analogous to the IRA dictum: 'we only have to be lucky once, you have to be lucky all the time').

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This isn't really the right place for this thread but.............Has anyone seen this documentary? Its only been available on the net but has been really popular.


Food for thought? or conspiracy theory garbage? Decide for yourself.



Parts 2 and 3 available in the Explore More Videos box.

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I have been intrigued into this, there are SO many things that dont add up! Over the past 5 years i have watched numerous fottage of this! Many things confuse me! The 1st question i have is why did Bush attack Iraq when it was Bin Laden they were after? And there were reports on Sept 13th 2001, The Bin Laden Family were sent to Saudi Arabia... This and so many other stuff has gone unanswered!

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I have been intrigued into this, there are SO many things that dont add up! Over the past 5 years i have watched numerous fottage of this! Many things confuse me! The 1st question i have is why did Bush attack Iraq when it was Bin Laden they were after? And there were reports on Sept 13th 2001, The Bin Laden Family were sent to Saudi Arabia... This and so many other stuff has gone unanswered!

The Bin Laden family are a massive capitalist organisation, and are personal friends of George Bush Snr.

They were hurried out to save embarrassment caused by their errant son.


If you are a customer of Citibank, you are putting money into their pockets, they are major partners in this.

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He attacked Afganistan over 9/11, Iraq over WMD's. They were seperate issues... apparently.


But the only reason he did this is because america was attacked, and not by weapons of mass destruction may i add. And the Bin Laden family were from Saudi Arabia and not Afghanistan.. That seems real odd!


And still No killers found for killing thousands of people killed! You would have thought to get rid of the taliban!! But has that been done at all!?!


In 5 Years....


NO... :|

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You're mixing up your US led wars *Ryan* ;)


9/11 attack resulted in the invasion of Afghanistan and the removal of the Taliban regime because of their support of Al Queda and harbouring of Bin Laden, training camps, etc, etc.


Iraq was (supposedly) totally unrelated.


I appreciate that yo may have an opinion on the above, but it's important to get the story straight on this thread as there did not appear to be any intention of invading either Afghanistan before 9/11 and Iraq was even further from their minds.

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But the only reason he did this is because america was attacked, and not by weapons of mass destruction may i add. And the Bin Laden family were from Saudi Arabia and not Afghanistan.. That seems real odd!


And still No killers found for killing thousands of people killed! You would have thought to get rid of the taliban!! But has that been done at all!?!


In 5 Years....


NO... :|


Now I am confused :huh:

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