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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Yet again assumptions are being made here with no knowledge of the full facts. Who are we to say that the wasn't protected? Why should he be less protected in a school with all his normal security provisions?


You can't extrapolate conclusions from no knowledge... unless you believe in a conspiracy ;)

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Yet again assumptions are being made here with no knowledge of the full facts. Who are we to say that the wasn't protected? Why should he be less protected in a school with all his normal security provisions?


You can't extrapolate conclusions from no knowledge... unless you believe in a conspiracy ;)


Well if you had watched these short videos then you would realise that he slept soundly (possibly) in accomodation that had defensive missiles placed on the roof which is unprecedented.


Yes, I go with the conspiracy theory, I feel I would be blinded by ignorance if I was not to question as much fetail as available.


Maybe more people should try it rather than deny what could be the truth.

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Errr, are you putting a retired 2* Major General opinion above the eye witness accounts off 200 people?


What he 'thinks' is neither here nor there to be honest, and all he says is 'the hole is too small'... which we have dealt with quite comprehensively on the thread.


As for that last link to "Steel buildings don't collapse through fire', well we've done that one too. They do.

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Errr, are you putting a retired 2* Major General opinion above the eye witness accounts off 200 people?


What he 'thinks' is neither here nor there to be honest, and all he says is 'the hole is too small'... which we have dealt with quite comprehensively on the thread.


As for that last link to "Steel buildings don't collapse through fire', well we've done that one too. They do.


Awww Tony Bless you, you have an answer for everything, shame they are not all convincing.


JoeP agreed to set up an SF poll to be conducted, and you blocked it.


You clearly avoid any detail that might challenge the official story.


Are you afraid of something ?

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Tony, even though we all agree that these attacks were by the terrorists and no mistake, I still have a strange feeling about the Pentagon one.

To fly a massive aircraft that close to the ground, and at that speed (full power I believe) would require great skill.

Does not 'ground effect' cause any thing like this to dragged downwards, due to vacuum forces?

The pilot of that one could not have been a weekend flyer.

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