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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Fair points artisan though the Pentagon one becomes less of a mystery when you see the trail of debris left behind the aircraft before it struck... felled lamp posts, a generator, etc. For all we know he may have intended to hit the centre of the building, so who are we to say that he was skilled enough to skim the lawn when he might have not intended to.


But, even if we put that to one side, the pilots had received extensive professional flight training in commercial aircraft, logging up to 600 hours in the case of the one who crashed into the Pentagon. That's plenty enough to navigate accurately into a static object or point, give or take a bit. Remember that ordinary landing on a runway is typically done at speeds around 150 knots onto a point only 30 metres wide (the runway). Flying headfirst into something as big as the Pentagon isn't a big deal in skill terms.


Ground effect actually does the opposite and provides lift so that's a bit of a red herring.

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in plane site


these are all good websites, google them. They don't propose conspiracy theories, instead they show evidence that everyone has access to e.g. news reports, videos, official pictures etc. They then ask questions relating to what we can all see e.g. why are there flashes before the plane hit. (Not reflection) as flashes can be seen from multiple angles. How come when we watch towers falling there are mini dust explusions (look like explosions) 30 or more floors below the collapsing area? Check it out. I'm not saying it was a conspiracy or anything, but clearly there is mor to 911 than meets the eye. It is ignorant to just accept facts rather than find out for yourself. With the internet itis easy to do do. Checkit out (at least to reaffirm to yourselves that the official story offers a complete picture of the tradegy of 911. God bless the victims.

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I'm really not interested in this 9/11 conspiracy thing, it's difficult for me as an American to stomach. The morning of 9/11 was a regular day. The TV is never on in the mornings at our house. Things are chaotic enough, we don't need any extra distractions. California is three hours behind New York, timewise. I made sure my daughter got ready and left for school, then I walked my youngest to his school, my husband had already left. When we got there, the US and California state flags were flying at half mast.


The school administrators and teachers were out front herding all the kids together by class...no playground time. I asked what was going on. Someone said terrorists had flown a plane into the WTC in New York and people were jumping out of windows. It was unbelievable. People around me were crying. There was a feeling of uncertainty, of what's going to happen now? Are we in for more attacks? Is the west coast next? Someone said they had targeted the GG bridge or the Bay bridge. We're not that far from San Francisco, oh God! My husband was on his way there, and was probably crossing the Bay bridge as we spoke! His phone was going straight to voice mail, and I immediately thought of my cousin back east whose husband worked in the second WTC building. I tried to call her as well, nothing. Turns out her husband was unable to contact her for over 7 hours and ended up walking home to New Jersey. My husband had made it over the bridge, but was trapped in San Francisco because traffic was gridlocked. He wondered if he should leave the car and take a ferry to the Oakland side then take BART home. He ended up staying the night with my aunt and uncle in the Sunset.


When I returned home, I turned on the TV and saw footage of the first plane hitting the WTC, (so it was released the first day. I know, because I saw it. I believe two french filmmaker brothers just happened to be making a documentary on NYC firefighters and captured it) then the other plane hitting the second tower. They showed those sickening images again and again until I turned off the television. I can't imagine the terror those passengers must have felt, knowing they were going to die. I also learned that the pentagon had been attacked, and that a fourth hijacked plane had crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside killing everyone aboard.


I finally watched the Naudet brothers documentary last week. It's very good, but also very, very, sad.


:( Sierra

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Good video clips, venger - thanks for posting.

I particularly liked the ones on the temperature for melting steel and the British IT guy's account of the power down evacuation. Oh - and the distinctly shifty response from George Bush when a direct question was put to him about whether he had prior knowledge (it would have been great if he'd been attached to a lie detector!)


Only people who believe the earth is flat can fail to conclude that the official account of 9/11 is well dodgy.

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After watching the Loose Change video I was in shock for days..I couldn't believe that any government could be capable of such a heinous crime against their own people.Further research taught me otherwise..But that's later.

One of my first ports of call was to the Popular Mechanics "Debunking the Myths of 911".I soon realised they had "cherry-picked"..there was no mention of building 7...?

That's when I realised something was definitely amiss..ironic no?

Hope you find these of interest.


Gavin Coburn,research editor,who wrote the March 2005 issue in Popular Mechanics.

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