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Don't fall foul to loves dark side

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Just a quick word of warning to the readers.


We are all bought up being made to believe that love is truly a beautiful thing that should be aspired too and cherished. This may be true most of the time not always, people should be wary or they fall foul to loves dark side.


I would like to illustrate this via an example.


Many years ago my brother Colin fell madly in love with his girlfriend who even on the surface was somewhat simian in not only look but nature too. Their relationship though amazing and unique to them followed the usual predictable patterns. They were inseparable and did even the most mundane things together, although she did seem to make most of the decisions and Colin had always been easily led.


As their feelings for each other grew so did her monkey like ways, her influence over Colin also intensified until one day she willingly led him into the world of the primate where they remained till Colin was fully assimilated into their ways. Then one morning she returned from this world but left Colin behind.


Their relationship continued but seemed to have lost some of its sparkle. He was a monkey and she was a human friend, more of a guardian to be accurate.


So beware of loves dark side or you could be taken to another another world and left behind.

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;5117914']Anyone want more fruit cake? That last one I had was delicious.


Think I will give it a miss thanks, once slice was enough, as for Colin the chimp lets hope Michael Jackson hears his plea and decides to get Bubbles a friend

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