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Damons Sheffield


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We went today at tea time as it was hubbys birthday. There was a party of 11 of us.


Everyone ordered meals but as i have had an operation i can only eat very small portions so i was looking at the kids menu and decided to order Gammon and rice, when i placed this order i was told i could do this but i would charged £7.50 as an adult instead of the £4.50 it would have cost if i was a child. I then went on to explain why i wanted a kids meal in the first place and that i dont want any extra food just the same portion they would give a child!! This angered me somewhat as the portion was no different and had to pay nearly double the price just because i wasnt a child !!!!


Not like they didnt get enough money from us as the whole bill came to just over £160 !!


Disgusted is not the word !!!

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By Damons having a menu available and this being advertised on said menu constitutes an invitation to buy. There should have been no problem with them supplying the product requested at that price. Complain to the manager and explain your predicament, this would normally sort it out. If not, contact consumer direct to see where you stand. You might end up getting a free meal out of it. At least this would give them an opportunity to make up for their terrible service.


Did you take proof of age for your husband and get his main meal free?

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Yeah he did get his meal free and it is really great in there and the food is lush we had no other complaints at all it just really annoyed me slightly that we had to pay the little bit extra for the same food


Im not a skin flint but it is the principle it did say on the menu the age of the children i think but i still think its wrong might just be me :confused:

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Ah, if it does state ages then this may well be their get out clause. I can totally see your point though. And as a gesture of good will I would have thought that they could have at least done this for you. Still, I would still persue it and see what you can get sorted. God luck with it all.

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I'm not sure what the rights and wrongs are in this, but I wonder what would happen if a child wanted an adult meal? Would they then knock some money off it? Somehow I doubt it! So they shouldn't really be able to charge more when it's the other way round. :suspect:

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I had the misfortune to experience Damons last year. I hate American Diners in any case but it was the choice of someone in my family for a birthday so obviously I went along with good intentions.


I thought it was absolutely rubbish, the usual greasy tat and totally inflated prices.


If it were up to me I'd never set foot in any American Diner again but unfortunately it seems to be the choice of the younger generation in my family for birthday treats etc. :gag:

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damons is always packed when i drive past so theres got to be something going for it eh!

and to be honest if you arent happy with your food inform the area manager and they will do something about it. end of the day it annoys me when people slate places for their food but then dont inform the staff that their unhappy........they arent mind readers you know!

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