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George Mooney - Thug in a hat

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I'm sure there was a thread on here not so long ago about gangs and there members.

Wait till morning and I'm sure some of the other forumers will be more knowledgable on the subject.

Stick around :smile:

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Come on you Saints! So what relation are you to Brian Mooney then, I knew him back in the 50's, a decent geezer if I remember right. There's another thread about your family, the Charlie Manning one, although the bit about Brian doing poetry could be a bit misleading because there IS a poet in Ireland called Brian Mooney already. Apart from Brian the only other Mooney I knew of was Jim, his brother. And going way back,(40's) a guy who lived on Pitsmoor Road with a bad nose injury. I was told he was called Mooney, I used to deliver a newspaper to him.

Actually I'm a Southampton fan myself, are we going straight back up or what?

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Another of George's descendants was Tony Mooney, brought up on Parson Cross in the 50's and 60's.

Very clever chap, used to be Headteacher at a catholic private school somewhere down south, until he had to resign because he was discovered to be an atheist.

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