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old park school 1947-1950

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Hello bracken, if you dont mind saying , how old are you? I am 72 and i remember lol haythorn,terry chittendon, and quite a few others, my brothers names are george, desmond and derek, our second name is farquhar, my sisters was the late brenda, theres christine and norma, my name is margaret.we lived at 79 granville lane ( near turner hill) look forward to hearing from you


I,m 3 yrs younger,so you will rememberpeople such as Harry Peck(my cousin) Buddy barnsley,his sister Jean. Barry Turton Pauline Turton Joe bellamy Pat bellamy

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Hiya phillip , Did you used to live on granville street or duke street. My mum remembers two guys by that name.


We used to live on Duke Street, painting and decorating shop below Park Baths,

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  • 5 months later...
My mum remembers pat callighan, lol hathorn, sylvia bingley, and the fords, we lived at 79 granville lane,


Just watched a brilliant film of the PARK DISTRICTshowing granville st,lane,bungay st,park school,turners hill,.You might recognise some of the people or children in the film.Also shows the rest of district ie:talbot st duke st(with trams) broad st ,south st ,gilbert hill(with sun inn pub)stafford st and prefabs, The video can be viewed by going to:Yorkshirefilmarchivesonline)then click the Decades sign then 1950 .A page will then show alist of films.Scroll down to ,PARK SLUM CLEARANCE. Happy viewing,

Ps:also on this site is video of Parkhill flats,.

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  • 7 months later...

hi old school chum's, my nane is gordon barker, i have a sister eileen.We lived at 92 Lord st on the corner of norwich st and lord st , brunts was across the road from our prefab. I remember quite a few name's mentioned , i also went to the park youth club, mr g mcabe ran the football team, he went on to be a pro referee , we would like to hear from any one of you

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Hi lagerlil, cant recall the name, my be my sister eileen could help. I'll pass the mesage on to her i'm in my 72nd ear, i can recall lot's of name's that' been mentioned Lol haythorne was a pall of minem and can you remember kenny pollard, lived off norfolk rd,and poor jack cossford, lost his life im told on the crossing's at the bottom of manor lane. i'll keep in touch .

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S orry,dont remember any one by the name of johnston. My area was more lord st & Norwich and duke st. How old are you! if you dont mind me asking.I can put some teachers name's up! like tilly bone, mr littlewood mr polphrey,miss easy she married mr Capper, mr sharp ,mr dennis[who had a board at owlerton greyhound track] and miss la dell addmin,and oh! miss Haythonre music teacher? by the way ,my key board is a bit dodgy.

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