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old park school 1947-1950

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Hi lagerlil! Alan Spinks , the name ring's a bell how old would he be?, an you remember a family named Mikie, ihink it's the right spelling, b was a school pal of mine we went the open market and collected wooden boxes, chopped them p then went round the houses selling the bundles for a old penny a bundle.

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Hi Bracken, most of the name's i know,the youth club was earlier.If you can remember Harry Peck, he got trials with chesterfield, i got trials with ony rover's,did'nt do much though. Regarding the May's! mick is still around, he live's on the base green. My sister Eileen was a friend of Maureen Spick's, i am waiting for her to come back to me,by the way , i'm 71 , Gordon Taylor { custard] we us to call him, great fellow never moaned just got on with life! I am waiting or my sister to come back to me then s should could put a few names forward. still here, bye now, gordon.
HI GORDON, Harry Peck is my cousin ,he is alive and kicking,but sadly ,gordon taylor and mick may(marriedlol haythornes sister Flo)are not,i dont know about terry may ( the eldest of the brothers) he went to South Africa.
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Hi old pal's.I'm going to see my sister tomorrow,weather permiting! eileen could put a face to some of the names you have spoken about, if she can relate to any of the names i put to her i'll put them on for you all to see if any of them rings a bell, by now gordon.

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I went to Park. School from 1947-1953 the headmaster was Mr Ellis ,I lived in Stafford Street .I can remember a corner shop opposite the school selling all manor of goodies and drinks .My brother David Wheatcroft went on to Norfolk Secondary School from there.



My name is Trevor Staniforth, I used to go to Park School and sat next to David Wheatcroft in Mrs Crappers class.:)

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