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I am writing this after recently reading an post on here, cant remember who it was that wrote it.


It relates to a rise in the number of 'millsey' people, those folk that dress ridiculously with a view to impress those of the fairer sex. However in my view, this recent explosion of this style happens to run concurrently with the number of homosexuals 'coming out the closet'. Could there be an association made?


As i understand what the user was talking was referring to, i recognise through those mullet-sporting folk off the lipton ice tv commercial. If so, i wholeheartedly agree with what was being said as i am sick to death with seeing what i can only describe as a clan of people, whose intentions are to follow the latest trends of a certain David Beckham. Your views would be appreciated - please stick to the basis of the thread detail.


As for the Burberry and 'squiggle' brands as was also mentioned. I have noticed this as well although not as much as the other person (maybe i havent been looking as hard). But my take on it, is that most of these people must be losers as they strive to purchase into a brand through fake clothing. Not only does it detract from the whole image of owning an original item within that brand but it also ensures the increased pace of the demise of that brand. For reference - an official burberry baseball cap will cost in the region of £80, but knock off caps pass for about £8 as i am led to believe!!! While this continues to remain common practice - brands will devalue themselves faster than you can purchase them.


I would be interested in reading the views of other users on these issues.

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yes, its a bit sad having to feel the need to 'fit in'.

basically the cycle (as you prob will have noticed by now) is that the first round of people buy the expensive latest fashion stuff, the highstreet shops make a similar copy for cheaper, whilst other manufacturers simply do a straight copy, 'ripping off' the designer goods. thus maing the latest fashion available for everyone - hence the amount of youngsters looking like they are in some kind of uniform.


but what is silly is the people who catch onto new fads in the later stage of the game but still shell out for authentic labels, for instance evisu jeans at £100 a pop when you can get legit items them down spitalfields market or from a dodgy guy down the pub for a tenner. surely they are not worth £100 if everyone has one -a processs of devaluation?


personally i don't think fashion is 'in fashion' once everyone has the same stuff. fashion should be about originality and if you don't have time (its not about money) people should settle for style if they are that bothered about their clothes.

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Originally posted by back2basics

People want to prune their feathers and get laid, they always will. That is our primary directive ;)


Absolutely - but you dont want to look like a muppet in the process all kitted out in some kinda redundant clothing label - you know that its gone a bit too far when someone resprays their mini cooper in the burberry tartan stripes.


Burberry brand is for mugs IMO, but at least you know in advance when you need to cross the street to avoid a mindless hooligan with his clinger-on's. Even one officer on a police show, although cant remember which show, said that they have made themselves easy targets by police now. They walk around with their Burberry cap, and possibly top with collar (or umbro), stone island jumper, smart jeans, and a pair of Reebok Classix (blood stains are optional).


A good point made earlier however, that burberry was once a respected brand which was worn by many city workers and it featured in many tailors along saville row. Oh well - best not encourage my dad to wear his out anymore - he might feel an urge to kick in a bus shelter or smash a bottle of beer into someone passer-by's face ---- just for a laugh.


Burberry more like Buggary!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Burberry was stylish as raincoats and scarves, but now it appears on that advert for yobbish naffness the baseball cap its class has gone.

Anybody else noticed that even the most intelligent of people suddenly look like a deep south redneck 'Jim-bob' when they put one of these clown hats on?

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Why do people wear baseball caps for every occasion? They wouldn't wear football boots or golf shoes would they? Or jodphurs (the little boxer excluded) or a parachute harness, either. These are sports accessories for people who partake of sport. However, when worn by people whose idea of sport is supermarket sweep they look naff, imo.

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