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Eaton & BOOTH

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Could you please forward pictures to me if at all possible,My husband started as a apprentice in the machine shop and worked there for 16 years. He went to the new plant in rotherham which later closed. By the time he left he was foreman fitter in the mill, taking over from harry webster. thanks,

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I will find a copy of the history I compiled of Eaton & Booth & Swift Brothers which I wrote in 1987. However, I must point out that it does not contain any original photographs just photocopies of photographs which were lent to me by Jack Dutchman,who died earlier this year,and Fred Hoole. I don't know if Fred is still alive but he had a box full of photos.


My Father was Ted Brookes who ran the rolling mill side of Eaton & Booth from 1944 until his retirement in 1970. He died in 1979.


I actually started my working life at Eaton & Booth in 1959 as a tea boy but was sacked by my Father for hitting a man called 'Bing' Crosby who had passed an unforgivable remark about my family. Your husband may remember Bing.


My Father and I were both Shareholders of E & B, my Father being appointed Joint Managing Director in 1947 with Ted Trickett.


It was a very sad day when the new mill in Rotherham had to close but this was caused by a third party being unable to continue with their investment and the then Directors being unable to run the new mill at a profit without a new investor. The new mill was a fantastic success, the first of its kind in the world. It was eventually bought by an American concern and to my knowledge is still running to this day.


I still live in Sheffield and would be very pleased to meet your husband or yourself at a time convenient to yourselves when I can give you a copy of my booklet for you to keep.


Kind regards


Tony Brookes

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Hiya Tony thankyou for your reply, my husband steve said he would like to meet you and have a chat and if you would like to over a beer. He remembers hearing about your father(nice comments) he also remembers Fred Hoole, and he worked for Mr Ted.! He would love a copy of your booklet please. Fred died about two years ago sadly.

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