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Cost of limousine hire?

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its not everyone's cup of tea, personally i've never been in one and probably never will but some people enjoy them and like you say it is mostly teenage girls driving round town hanging out the windows, but its what you call fun, try it!!


What's fun about being squeezed in the back of an over-sized taxi, driven around aimlessly for a while before being dropped off somewhere so you can then continue your evening? :hihi:


It's clearly not about fun at all, it's about vulgar people attention-seeking and showing off. For some reason, being seen in a limo is a status thing and people can pretend they're celebrities and oh-so glamorous and lavish. Of course the irony that between them it costs just a few pounds each is completely lost.

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FACT there are no Private Hire Licenses issued to limosuines in Sheffield. Please check with VOSA in Leeds if you book a limo, most in the country are cut & shuts and are over here because the USA only give them a 5 year life span and they have to be changed. There are major issue with the steering, brakes and weight bearing areas on these vehicles and VOSA in conjuction with police and local authorties to clamp down on these vehicles, just be aware, I would never put my kids at risk in one these vehicles.


Just remember this, the driver has no training to drive the vehicle. There are no crimianl records checks on the driver or owners of the vehicles.



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God you are all so cynical and moody aren't you? :hihi:. Let the boy and his friends have their fun. They are only young once and I enjoyed being inside the limo that took us to our prom. We didn't stick our heads out of the windows either, we just sat inside drinking champers, and chatting, and asking the drivers to turn the music up when songs we liked came on. It was a great time, and I would do it all again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
God you are all so cynical and moody aren't you? :hihi:. Let the boy and his friends have their fun. They are only young once and I enjoyed being inside the limo that took us to our prom. We didn't stick our heads out of the windows either, we just sat inside drinking champers, and chatting, and asking the drivers to turn the music up when songs we liked came on. It was a great time, and I would do it all again.


But that's fair enough. If you're actually going somewhere, and you're enjoying yourself in the limo without the need to stick your heads out of the windows and screech at passers-by, that's fine.


Like I've already alluded to, what annoys me is these people who go through town screaming out of the windows/sunroof at everyone. Their only 'enjoyment' of the experience is a perceived sense of superiority, using the limo as a fake status symbol. They don't give a toss about the limousine experience itself; I overlook Pinstone Street and see them going past every other day, they just do about 5 laps of the city centre and don't even have a destination! What's the point in that?! And given that they're usually teenage girls who have just finished school (or even a group of 11-year old lads the other day) they're obviously not allowed to enjoy champers in the back. Basically they're paying all that money to be driven round aimlessly in a fancy car for half an hour.


So all it comes down is attention-seeking. Sticking their heads out of the window, "Look at me... notice me...


Shallow, desperate and totally insecure.. traits which I personally find totally disgusting.

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