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Leadmill Assault (early hours of 23/06/09)


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It's fact not libel, I just have a feeling a couple of leadmill's(or the bouncer's) affiliates may have appeared on this thread.


its not fact at all. they are claims of one person against another with no evidence at all. its like me coming on here and accusing someone of using drugs because i "saw them" - you think that would be ok, dragging down their reputation with unsubstantiated claims?

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It can be said that the statements made in the OP are neither fact nor libel at present. It's one person's opinion of what happened and that alone until it is contested or others disagree with this opinion (or proof is provided via CCTV or whatever).


If the owners of the Leadmill, or their legal representatives, wish to make a legal complaint about the thread then they are welcome to do so, but until then the same applies to the opinions on this thread as every other thread- they are taken on face value until we have reason to believe that we should do otherwise.


EDIT: changed your title punk. Hope that's OK.


a persons opinion is different to accusing someone of all these things. this opinion currently has no evidence behind it - and until then, it should be kept out of the public eye. once the cctv provides proof and some sort of action is taken and successful against leadmill, it can be discussed. until then, it cannot and should not and could get the forum in trouble.


would you have the same lenient attitude if i started a thread stating that in my "opinion" i saw the owner of X bar taking drugs in the toilets?

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a persons opinion is different to accusing someone of all these things. this opinion currently has no evidence behind it - and until then, it should be kept out of the public eye. once the cctv provides proof and some sort of action is taken and successful against leadmill, it can be discussed. until then, it cannot and should not and could get the forum in trouble.


would you have the same lenient attitude if i started a thread stating that in my "opinion" i saw the owner of X bar taking drugs in the toilets?


Why do you even care?

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Great reply. As intelligent as your previous posts. Does the 87 in your name refer to your IQ?


yeah, about on par with your utterly pointless post. this is an opinion forum is it not? i've offered my opinion on it. i


nterestingly i've seen entire forums go down the toilet because of accusations like this but ok, i won't bother mentioning anything next time.


absolutely no reason for it to be posted until anything is proved, its a very serious accusation and should be dealt with by the authorities and not splashed all over the internet, end of.

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a persons opinion is different to accusing someone of all these things. this opinion currently has no evidence behind it - and until then, it should be kept out of the public eye. once the cctv provides proof and some sort of action is taken and successful against leadmill, it can be discussed. until then, it cannot and should not and could get the forum in trouble.


would you have the same lenient attitude if i started a thread stating that in my "opinion" i saw the owner of X bar taking drugs in the toilets?


You talk crap. Catching it all on your phone stands up as pretty good evidence...thus it is not an "opinion"

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yeah, about on par with your utterly pointless post. this is an opinion forum is it not? i've offered my opinion on it. i


nterestingly i've seen entire forums go down the toilet because of accusations like this but ok, i won't bother mentioning anything next time.


absolutely no reason for it to be posted until anything is proved, its a very serious accusation and should be dealt with by the authorities and not splashed all over the internet, end of.


If I'm not mistaken the point of the original post was an appeal to see if the original person who was allegedly assaulted was a member of the board.


The OP is perfectly within their rights to post about what happened to them. It has nothing to do with me or you if it happened or not. I'm sure the police will figure it all out in time if the OP presses charges.


It seems all you want to do is to censor what the OP wrote due to some strange agenda that you seem to have.


Why not apply to be mod if you're not happy with what is being posted?

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You talk crap. Catching it all on your phone stands up as pretty good evidence...thus it is not an "opinion"


you don't get it do you.


alright, i've got evidence on my phone of the owner taking drugs in the toilets in the form of a video. thoughts? that would be OK for me to start a thread on it then? from a completely anonymous internet username, possibly defaming someone? even though my post contains no evidence of this apparent proof and i could easily be making everything up.



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If I'm not mistaken the point of the original post was an appeal to see if the original person who was allegedly assaulted was a member of the board.


The OP is perfectly within their rights to post about what happened to them. It has nothing to do with me or you if it happened or not. I'm sure the police will figure it all out in time if the OP presses charges.


It seems all you want to do is to censor what the OP wrote due to some strange agenda that you seem to have.


Why not apply to be mod if you're not happy with what is being posted?


the OP has posted criticising the actions of the bouncers and describes a scene that may or may not be true. if true, fine, if not true though then thats serious defaming the leadmill and their staff, something i would not be impressed with if i owned the club as it would put people off. i am sure the police will figure it out too, and until then such comments and accusations should not be broadcast until proven true. anyone can make an accusation. would you like it if i started making things up about you, claiming they were true but in reality i had no proof at all? you can't take these sort of chances.


why does the OP feel so desperate to get involved? and you say that I have an agenda?

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