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Leadmill Assault (early hours of 23/06/09)


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you don't get it do you.


alright, i've got evidence on my phone of the owner taking drugs in the toilets in the form of a video. thoughts? that would be OK for me to start a thread on it then? from a completely anonymous internet username, possibly defaming someone? even though my post contains no evidence of this apparent proof and i could easily be making everything up.




There's only one person on this thread who doesn't get it. You seem a little obsessed by it all to be honest.


Haven't you got another crusade to fight as it looks like you're losing this one.

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the OP has posted criticising the actions of the bouncers and describes a scene that may or may not be true. if true, fine, if not true though then thats serious defaming the leadmill and their staff, something i would not be impressed with if i owned the club as it would put people off. i am sure the police will figure it out too, and until then such comments and accusations should not be broadcast until proven true. anyone can make an accusation. would you like it if i started making things up about you, claiming they were true but in reality i had no proof at all? you can't take these sort of chances.


why does the OP feel so desperate to get involved? and you say that I have an agenda?


Because the OP, if what they say is true, witnessed a serious assault. Tried to gather evidence, and was then assaulted.


I'm guessing you'd just have walked away if you saw someone getting assaulted?


That's the beauty of the internet you see. You can write pretty much what you want. In some cases it works, in others it doesn't. Me, I'd rather have a free internet than apply the type of censoship you're talking about. If anyone from the Leadmill has an issue with this thread I'm sure they could have a word with the forum owner. Simple really.

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There's only one person on this thread who doesn't get it. You seem a little obsessed by it all to be honest.


Haven't you got another crusade to fight as it looks like you're losing this one.


i'm losing it because people don't have a clue what they are talking about? :hihi:


as I have said, i've witnessed forums get closed down by extremely threatening solicitors letters with regards to more trivial matters than this. i doubt the owners of the forum would be able to afford/would like to have a legal battle on their hands. i wouldn't want the same to happen here. but hey, its OK, slagging off bouncers is great fun on here so it doesn't matter :roll:

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Because the OP, if what they say is true, witnessed a serious assault. Tried to gather evidence, and was then assaulted.


I'm guessing you'd just have walked away if you saw someone getting assaulted?


That's the beauty of the internet you see. You can write pretty much what you want. In some cases it works, in others it doesn't. Me, I'd rather have a free internet than apply the type of censoship you're talking about. If anyone from the Leadmill has an issue with this thread I'm sure they could have a word with the forum owner. Simple really.


hahaha. you've just said it yourself. "if what they say is true". IF. it could be completely fabricated.


and your last comment displays complete naiviety but believe what you want to think. you can write pretty much what you want - ha. priceless. the internet is no different from any other medium. the same laws still apply.

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i'm losing it because people don't have a clue what they are talking about? :hihi:


as I have said, i've witnessed forums get closed down by extremely threatening solicitors letters with regards to more trivial matters than this. i doubt the owners of the forum would be able to afford/would like to have a legal battle on their hands. i wouldn't want the same to happen here. but hey, its OK, slagging off bouncers is great fun on here so it doesn't matter :roll:


People do have a clue, they just don't agree with you. As you said before, it's a forum and all about opinions.


Why don't you let the owners of the forum decide how to deal with this? From the size and history of the site I'd say they've got a good grip on things.

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hahaha. you've just said it yourself. "if what they say is true". IF. it could be completely fabricated.


and your last comment displays complete naiviety but believe what you want to think. you can write pretty much what you want - ha. priceless. the internet is no different from any other medium. the same laws still apply.


I never said I believed the OP or not. It may be completely fabricated.


I stand by my last comment. I can write what I like on the internet. The fact that I can then be asked to take it down, or worse have criminal proceedings taken out against me is also true. Doesn't stop me writing what I like though.

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I never said I believed the OP or not. It may be completely fabricated.


I stand by my last comment. I can write what I like on the internet. The fact that I can then be asked to take it down, or worse have criminal proceedings taken out against me is also true. Doesn't stop me writing what I like though.


hurrah. finally some sense.


but you think it would be OK to "write what you like" and get the forum into trouble? thats like saying "i can do what i like" - i could do, doesn't mean that i should go and rob someones house though.

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People do have a clue, they just don't agree with you. As you said before, it's a forum and all about opinions.


Why don't you let the owners of the forum decide how to deal with this? From the size and history of the site I'd say they've got a good grip on things.


i don't know, i'd be interested to know i've they've ever had any experience dealing with libelious comments on their forum and actually having someone taking action against them. the forum i have experience on hadn't, and suffered unfortunately.

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hurrah. finally some sense.


but you think it would be OK to "write what you like" and get the forum into trouble? thats like saying "i can do what i like" - i could do, doesn't mean that i should go and rob someones house though.


As I said before, it's up to the mod's to decide. If someone posts something against the rules of the board, it gets removed, if not it stays.


But, by all means, carry on with your crusade. You are doing the 'know it all' student stereotype no harm on this thread :D

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i don't know, i'd be interested to know i've they've ever had any experience dealing with libelious comments on their forum and actually having someone taking action against them. the forum i have experience on hadn't, and suffered unfortunately.


I'm sure your concern has been duly noted.

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