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Leadmill Assault (early hours of 23/06/09)


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Let's not muck about here. Anyone who is not a bouncer or connected to a bouncer in any way will agree that they are all b*llends. Steroid abusing meatheads who get a kick from acting "the big one" in front of their cavemen pals.


Actually, in my experience, most people are indifferent to bouncers. It only seems to be the people who've had "incidents" with them who call them "steriod abusing meatheads" and "cavement", when 99% of the time, it's been their fault they've ended up having an "incident". It's very easy to blame the bouncers when they've stopped you enjoying your night, but normally they've stopped you because you're not aware how much of a drunken twit you've been behaving as.


There are some meatheads doing it for kicks, but they are far outweighed by those which are professional and are there solely to ensure customers and staff are safe.


* I'm not a bouncer, or connected to any.

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You are very simple.


A bouncer is employed to enforce the clubs policy, and sometimes their own, this usually has to be done through aggressive means [as I doubt large, aggressive men are employed for there negotiation tactics, nes par] hence the comment.


You made a comment about bouncers being 'Professional’s', yes, and I’m trying [very hard] to stress just because people have been elevated in societies eye's to a position of power and responsibility it doesn’t mean they going to act responsibly with said power......do you understand. 1)The MP's were just a topical example of abuse of power 2) this original thread was about trying to locate the victim of an assault, so how do your posts relate to finding the victim of an assault??


Well done.


Thats twice now you have insulted me you nob head, there is that better, words that you can understand

You say that situations usually have to be sorted out aggressively, I beg to differ, the greatest majority of security staff sort out the problems they encounter verbally and calmly, were is your evidence that it is usually sorted out aggresively? Are we talking about the odd time that you might read something in the papers or a drunken post on a forum by someone who has come off second best?

Now you little worm, crawl back into the hole you came from :thumbsup:


On the way home from the pub a friend suggested we finish the night off at the Leadmill. Not my scene (first time I've been there in 15 years!), but I went anyway.


Had a pint there to be polite to my friends. I then went to make my way home but as I was leaving and waiting for a taxi I saw a bouncer (a big, ugly, bald headed dude) walk up to a guy outside and punch him and then call his gang of bouncers to help him drag this dude inside and give the young man a kicking. They grabed him and draged him inside so they could (and I quote) "smack him about a bit". The dude they smacked offered no resistance and was not aggressive towards them!


They then took this lad (who was only about 18-21) inside the foyer and hit him several times. I took out my phone and took several pictures of them smacking him about so I could report them to the police. The big, ugly, bald, headed bouncer saw me and ordered the other bouncers to grab me and drag me inside.


The word was (from the ugly guy) "he's taken pictures of us, grab him!", which they did. They dragged me inside and hit me a couple of times, twisted my arm behind my back and demanded I delete all the photos of them. It was made clear to me that if I didn't do this I would be eating pavement. They took my phone from me and gave me a choice, the phone gets smashed or we watch you delete the photos you just took of us. I deleted the photos, they held me (and I do mean, restrained me!) as I deleted the photos I'd taken.


Before anyone mentions it, yes, I've just given a statement to the police.


Here is 2 things the bone head probably doesn't realise:


1) you can undelete things that have been deleted


2) the group of people you decided to intimidate are lawyers


The reason I'm posting this is because I want to hear from the lad who the original victim because I am considering a civil claim against the Leadmill.


Just brought the OP's post up and oh yes, I do see a line right down at the bottom of the rant asking to contact the "victim"

I take it the "lawyer" didnt think to talk to the lad while he was there :loopy:


Get real nob head :thumbsup:

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Thats twice now you have insulted me you nob head, there is that better, words that you can understand

You say that situations usually have to be sorted out aggressively, I beg to differ, the greatest majority of security staff sort out the problems they encounter verbally and calmly, were is your evidence that it is usually sorted out aggresively? Are we talking about the odd time that you might read something in the papers or a drunken post on a forum by someone who has come off second best?

Now you little worm, crawl back into the hole you came from :thumbsup:

Just brought the OP's post up and oh yes, I do see a line right down at the bottom of the rant asking to contact the "victim"

I take it the "lawyer" didnt think to talk to the lad while he was there :loopy:


Get real nob head :thumbsup:





Calm down princess, you got yourself all flustered for no reason haven’t you? There you go little fella.


Now let us get to it: I must firstly reiterate your simplicity [yes that the third time I have insulted you]


The only 'commonly used' offensive word I used was "arse" when I was referring to you crawling back up from whence you came.

There is no need to lower yourself to using archaic, passé words such as "Nob head", I am sure you have at least enough intelligence (?) to construct a response worth more than a couple of minutes of my time.


Jongo, do you, or have, you actually been around Sheffield city centre before? from your comments I’d bet you either have a local [pub] which you frequent and don’t venture from or your past the age of going out and are basing your opinion on dated information? Either way, you are wrong.


The reasons most situations in pubs/bars/clubs end in violence is quite simple, to much Alcohol, aggressive door staff and people who have something to prove. I go out almost every weekend and have never been attacked by bouncers but have witnessed and noted overly aggressive tactics displayed by door staff. If you read or know of the handbook that is issued to bouncers, it does actually suggest removing person X [the supposed troublemaker] as quickly as possible away from other punters and to a controlled environment, this I can assure you this doesn’t involve holding person X’s hand and kindly guiding them to the door. It would usually entail aggressive strong-arming with minimum of two bouncers; this is fact, based on the handbooks rules.


Were obviously reading different threads because I read that the lawyer was also attacked, meaning he probably was not in the best state of mind to start taking witness accounts looking for victims [considering he had just been one] and generally being sound of mind.


But well done you’ve made yourself look a bigger idiot than I could’ve hoped, for this thank you. :D

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I thought I was the only one who had the guts to stand up to these 'so called hard men' good on you mate! I have witnessed thuggish behaviour many times at the Leadmill, the majority of the time I was just walking past. I cannot understand how the owner of the Leadmill stand idly by whilst such behaviour is going on? Do they not realise this is having an effect on the image of the club?

I use the O2 academy for gigs and club nights now; the door supervisors are professional and courteous whilst keeping control of a much bigger venue than the Leadmill.


Once you have crime number mate you can report them to the SIA who will conduct their own investigation.


Keep us updated mate and best of luck!

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You are very simple.

this original thread was about trying to locate the victim of an assault, so how do your posts relate to finding the victim of an assault?? .


My first post questioned the OP's honesty of which I do see he has not come back on to try and justify his accusations

He has (just look at my red highlights) posted a definate lie and also didnt even know what day it happened

This as far as I am concerned speaks volumes!

I do see that you have done nothing more than troll the thread


Calm down princess, you got yourself all flustered for no reason haven’t you? There you go little fella.


Now let us get to it: I must firstly reiterate your simplicity [yes that the third time I have insulted you]


The only 'commonly used' offensive word I used was "arse" when I was referring to you crawling back up from whence you came.

There is no need to lower yourself to using archaic, passé words such as "Nob head", I am sure you have at least enough intelligence (?) to construct a response worth more than a couple of minutes of my time.


Jongo, do you, or have, you actually been around Sheffield city centre before? from your comments I’d bet you either have a local [pub] which you frequent and don’t venture from or your past the age of going out and are basing your opinion on dated information? Either way, you are wrong.


The reasons most situations in pubs/bars/clubs end in violence is quite simple, to much Alcohol, aggressive door staff and people who have something to prove. I go out almost every weekend and have never been attacked by bouncers but have witnessed and noted overly aggressive tactics displayed by door staff. If you read or know of the handbook that is issued to bouncers, it does actually suggest removing person X [the supposed troublemaker] as quickly as possible away from other punters and to a controlled environment, th


is I can assure you this doesn’t involve holding person X’s hand and kindly guiding them to the door. It would usually entail aggressive strong-arming with minimum of two bouncers; this is fact, based on the handbooks rules.


Were obviously reading different threads because I read that the lawyer was also attacked, meaning he probably was not in the best state of mind to start taking witness accounts looking for victims [considering he had just been one] and generally being sound of mind.


But well done you’ve made yourself look a bigger idiot than I could’ve hoped, for this thank you. :D


I am sure that you can give us all a link to this "handbook" so we can all see the line that shows the FACT where it says to "aggresively strong arm with minimum of two bouncers, the trouble causer

You are way off the mark, as trolls usually are with my drinking/going out habits

I dont suppose for one minute you have ever seen any security staff sort anything out quietly, because no one notices this sort of thing as it is done quietly :loopy:

People only generaly notice when the troublemaker starts showing off and causing a scene

Also your quote about being niave, dont you think that any trouble is caused by drugs ? :huh:

Or should we just accept your wealth of experience as being complete FACT :loopy:


My bold - I suppose you have also witnessed that the bouncers "victims" were all sat quietly playing dominoes when the bouncers pounced on them for no reason whatsoever

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Any news on this from the OP?


I quite like Leadmill (only on a friday tho, saturday is when it's full of scum), never had any trouble with those particular bouncers.


Had issues with the forum/old house bouncers. They got particularly angry and defensive when I asked for their ID numbers so I could make a complaint... Hmmn...

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My first post questioned the OP's honesty of which I do see he has not come back on to try and justify his accusations

He has (just look at my red highlights) posted a definate lie and also didnt even know what day it happened

This as far as I am concerned speaks volumes!

I do see that you have done nothing more than troll the thread




I am sure that you can give us all a link to this "handbook" so we can all see the line that shows the FACT where it says to "aggresively strong arm with minimum of two bouncers, the trouble causer

You are way off the mark, as trolls usually are with my drinking/going out habits

I dont suppose for one minute you have ever seen any security staff sort anything out quietly, because no one notices this sort of thing as it is done quietly :loopy:

People only generaly notice when the troublemaker starts showing off and causing a scene

Also your quote about being niave, dont you think that any trouble is caused by drugs ? :huh:

Or should we just accept your wealth of experience as being complete FACT :loopy:


My bold - I suppose you have also witnessed that the bouncers "victims" were all sat quietly playing dominoes when the bouncers pounced on them for no reason whatsoever



Wow, you are clutching at straw's big boy. Your retort smell's of desperation, and I’ve already wasted to much of m.......

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Judging from this thread and other posts on the forum, it would appear that The Leadmill have a serious problem here, that they need to sort out without delay.


If clubs employ vile creatures who viciously assault members of the public, they should have to face serious consequences, in my opnion they should not be allowed to hold a licence.

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Look guys, we live in a PC world and in this day and age drunks have to be reasoned with,


In the olden days a fist from a doorman, aimed at the troublemakers face often solved all issues/problems and it meant everyone else could get on with their night out.


Doorman (sorry to say this) but are employed to deal with people who are often drunk fuelled and who can be violent. So on my night out I'd like a doorman/doormen who can deal with these types of idiots as quickly as possible.


Sadly a 17stone burly bloke is the best person to deal with trouble makers.

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