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Leadmill Assault (early hours of 23/06/09)


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I can understand where you are coming from RobbyBrown but that is not the issue here. If you read the article the parties in question were not mindless drunks, they were normal day to day people like us. The introduction of the SIA was meant to eradicate such behaviours and stop 'thugs' working in such roles. Just because they have an SIA licence it does not give the right to behave in such a way and get away with it.


The Leadmill management should be appalled with such behaviour dragging down the reputation of the club, however when I have tried to contact them or the ' representatives' they do not want to listen. I have witnessed many examples of such behaviours which have gone unpunished. This has to change, without support however nothing will happen!

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i was once in leadmill and started to argue with the bouncers (mistaken identity on their part) i tried to walk off and was attacked in the door area, i fought back and was seeming to get the upper hand when i was jumped from both sides by more bouncers, determined not to let them off with givin me a shoein i grabbed one of their hands and bit his finger as hard as i could! made him scream like a little girl it did, i was arrested and charged with GBH (although the cops didnt believe the bouncers story luckily)the final piece of almost poetic justice was the charge got dropped as the cc tv camera in the door area had not been recording, obviously it had been turned off by the bouncers thinkin it was goin to be me wanting evidence, been back since a good few times never been recognised though!!

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