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Weather stories from the past - do you know any?

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I remember the winter of 47/8.

I was 10 and it was my scholarship year at school.

It snowed and snowed and the snow remained on the ground for months. I spent 6 wks off school because we were snowed in and my Mom needed help cos I had a small brother. Our front door was unusable as it opened out into a rectangle of snow, it was so deep. All the houses had gennels made of snow leading to the road and the snow was so high I could not be seen when walking down the path. We had great fun walking on top of it because it was hard and compact. Was like living in a different world almost at bedroom height everybody in separate dwelings isolated from each other, I suppose I saw it from a worms eye view because when I walked on the cleared road I could not see over the piled snow.The milkman could not get up the road to deliver so we used to fetch it ourselves from where he was parked.

I went back to school eventually.


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I remember once in the 70's, coming up to Lowedges for the Easter holidays, and waking up one morning to find snow drifts up to the ground floor windowsills.


Where we lived darn Sarf, we didn't see snow due to living so close to the sea, so this was amazing for us nippers! As soon as we could badger our parents, we donned our waterproofs and wellies, and leapt outside, chucking ourselves about in it!


I also recall we couldn't find our car parked on the kerb. We had to go along to each "lump", clear a bit of snow off the side to check the colour, and go along to the next one til we found one we recognised before digging it out!

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