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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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In Christianity the Bible tells us it is wrong to kill and it is part of the Ten Commandments. As you know words are cheap and people can say whatever they like but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, meaning actions speak louder than words. You can tell a person by what they do. Jesus said: -


“Every tree is known by the fruit it bears;…A good person brings good out of the treasure of good things in his heart; a bad person brings forth evil."



According to the Encyclopedia Britannica this is Islam: -


Offences against the person, from homicide to assault, are punishable by retaliation (qiṣāṣ), the offender being subject to precisely the same treatment as his victim. But this type of offence is regarded as a civil injury rather than a crime in the technical sense, since it is not the state but only the victim or his family who have the right to prosecute and to opt for compensation or blood money (diyah) in place of retaliation.


For six specific crimes the punishment is fixed (ḥadd): death for apostasy and for highway robbery; amputation of the hand for theft; death by stoning for extramarital sex relations (zinā) where the offender is a married person and 100 lashes for unmarried offenders; 80 lashes for an unproved accusation of unchastity (qadhf) and for the drinking of any intoxicant.


Outside the ḥadd crimes, both the determination of offences and the punishment therefore lies with the discretion of the executive or the courts.


Ok, Grahame, you've only focussed on certain aspects of Islam, eg the death penalty.


Surely that article you have quoted from also backs up my points, about suicide being a "sin", and haram in Islam, and confirms my points about second and subsequent marriages?


does it also go into the laws on warfare, (eg that civillians, the young and the elderlynot being legitimate targets? doesn't it teach in islam that, in warfare, things like crops and livestock should not be destroyed? etc


what about the compassion in Islam? giving to the needy? feeding and "watering" of strangers?

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there used to be some great debates on here, i used to really enjoy it. i suppose its a case of topics becoming reptitive and being spoilt by people who have blinkered narrow minded views (stand up and take a bow grahame and bago to mention 2), that you just cant debate with.


i dont really bother with serious debate on here anymore..

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this article talks about compassion,




"The Qur’an again and again shows its sympathy for the weaker sections of the society in which it includes, among others, the orphans, the widows, the poor and the exploited, the slaves and other politically or socially and economically oppressed people. It emphasises different ways of helping them. This is all on the grounds of compassion. Compassion really means sensitivity to others suffering. A person cannot be compassionate unless he/she is sensitive to others suffering. And this suffering includes, as we will show, not only human beings but also animals and plants."


Also from the same article:-


"This is a great pity that Muslims themselves except the sufis and their followers have forgotten the emphasis of the Holy Qur’an on the quality of compassion. The Sufis lay tremendous stress on compassion. Their very fundamental doctrine is what is called sulh-i-kul i.e. peace with all which means no violence and no aggressiveness. The majority of Muslims of course follow sufi approach. It is only some frustrated fringe groups of Muslims who keep on talking of jihad and power.


It is important to note that in Qur’an there is no concept of war of aggression and no concept of permissiveness of violence. Even where permission of war has been given it has been given to defend and protect rights of the oppressed and exploited, and not for achieving power. There is no verse in the Qur’an which permits violence for conquering territory or for achieving power. In fact war has been qualified in the Qur’an by the words fi’ sabilillah i.e. in the way of Allah. Thus a war can be fought, if at all necessary, not for any personal ambitions or for grabbing territory or for personal animosity or for revenge but only in the way of Allah."

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Ok, Grahame, you've only focussed on certain aspects of Islam, eg the death penalty.


Surely that article you have quoted from also backs up my points, about suicide being a "sin", and haram in Islam, and confirms my points about second and subsequent marriages?


does it also go into the laws on warfare, (eg that civillians, the young and the elderlynot being legitimate targets? doesn't it teach in islam that, in warfare, things like crops and livestock should not be destroyed? etc


what about the compassion in Islam? giving to the needy? feeding and "watering" of strangers?


I was replying to something you said about murder PT, I can look up the other points you mention if you would like me to.



There is a web site here if you are interested about Islam


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London Bombings


Glasgow Airport

ect ect ect

All Read The Koran and followed its beliefs

Do not Drink Alchohol..........They Do!

They aint allowed to Gamble........They Do

And as Long as they treat them all the same they are allowed to have 5 wives!!!!!!

Jeeeeeez thats one hell of a guide book!


So.....have you read it?


If not, just say 'No' and stay on topic rather than get in to a rant about Islam.



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I was replying to something you said about murder PT, I can look up the other points you mention if you would like me to.



There is a web site here if you are interested about Islam



there are many errors in the text contained in that link, grahame. Much spin, much misquoted material, and taken horrendously out of context.


I also say that it seems clear to me that the author has an "agenda" against Islam, instead of being tolerant, and accepting that there are different faiths that folk will follow.

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