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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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Certainly had to be some money-making in there somewhere. I think the Catholic church of Rome is probably one of the wealthiest institutions I know of, in terms of assets.


On the other hand, at least they maintain the Musei Vaticani, Basilica di San Pietro (the largest religious building in the world, worth a look) Notre Dame, that one at Les Halles I forgot the name of, Milan and Seville cathedrals, St. Paul's and Westminster cathedral and a huge number of other great works of architecture for people who like grandiose things (such as I) to go and explore.

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I have already explained about how the "Allah" of Islam, and the "Ellel" of the Jews and , Christians are the same. which bit of my explanation could you not read for your blinkers?


WRT your second paragraph:- What "harshness" toward non Muslims? Under Islam, non-muslims were protected, by laws against interference.


They were protected against forcible conversion. (look, in comparison, at the Inquisition, or the massacre of Jews in York in the C13 or comapre it with the Crusades, where the "christians" were guilty of indiscriminate slaughter, of Muslim, Jew and even their fellow Christian)


"For six specific crimes the punishment is fixed (ḥadd): death for apostasy and for highway robbery; amputation of the hand for theft; death by stoning for extramarital sex relations (zinā) where the offender is a married person and 100 lashes for unmarried offenders; 80 lashes for an unproved accusation of unchastity (qadhf) and for the drinking of any intoxicant."


They stone people to death who have had extramarital sex relations. How would people in this country reconcile themselves to this?

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Certainly had to be some money-making in there somewhere. I think the Catholic church of Rome is probably one of the wealthiest institutions I know of, in terms of assets.


On the other hand, at least they maintain the Musei Vaticani, Basilica di San Pietro (the largest religious building in the world, worth a look) Notre Dame, that one at Les Halles I forgot the name of, Milan and Seville cathedrals, St. Paul's and Westminster cathedral and a huge number of other great works of architecture for people who like grandiose things (such as I) to go and explore.


liverpools anglican cathedral is worth a look around, its size is just phenomanal! so much so the catholics decided they couldnt compete and built one in a modern design!!

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"For six specific crimes the punishment is fixed (ḥadd): death for apostasy and for highway robbery; amputation of the hand for theft; death by stoning for extramarital sex relations (zinā) where the offender is a married person and 100 lashes for unmarried offenders; 80 lashes for an unproved accusation of unchastity (qadhf) and for the drinking of any intoxicant."


They stone people to death who have had extramarital sex relations. How would people in this country reconcile themselves to this?


it's only in the last forty years that this country refrained from imprisoning people who were guilty only of being Homosexual. how do you reconcile yourself to that?


Incidentally, of these punishments, e.g., having ones hand chopped off, for theft, how often is that actually the punishment delivered, in the countries governed by Shariah Law?


We see the documentary footage from the Taleban-ruled Afghanistan, where the woman is beheaded in the football arena, allegedly for adultery. However, this seems to be the only stock-footage/ proof of these sort of happenings, and seems to be rolled out, over and over, again and again, as supposed "evidence" of the brutality of Islam.

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it's only in the last forty years that this country refrained from imprisoning people who were guilty only of being Homosexual. how do you reconcile yourself to that?


Incidentally, of these punishments, e.g., having ones hand chopped off, for theft, how often is that actually the punishment delivered, in the countries governed by Shariah Law?


We see the documentary footage from the Taleban-ruled Afghanistan, where the woman is beheaded in the football arena, allegedly for adultery. However, this seems to be the only stock-footage/ proof of these sort of happenings, and seems to be rolled out, over and over, again and again, as supposed "evidence" of the brutality of Islam.

It is their law PT. :(

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liverpools anglican cathedral is worth a look around, its size is just phenomanal! so much so the catholics decided they couldnt compete and built one in a modern design!!


I have visited both Cathedrals in Liverpool, (I have rellies over there) and think that they are both absolutely stunning buildings, and have individual merits. The modern, bold architecture of "Paddy's Wigwam" ( :lol: ) with its beautiful serene, blue-lit (from the stained glass) interior is amazing, the Anglican Cathedral with it's "rosiness" from the stone, and it's awe-inspiring sheer size is also a beautiful sight to behold.

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no, grahame, I'm asking it of you.


You and your friend had a right go at me for taking a stand against homosexuality, and now you are aligning yourself to Sharia law which is far stricter and harsher and yes these so called crimes are dealt with as-and-when they arise. I really don't understand your position here.

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