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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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"How many christians do you know who live in an Islamic country???"


There are actually quite a lot of British people living in Saudi Arabia (Jim Davidson for one) and Bahrain, for example, many of whom I am sure would consider themselves Christians.


"Have you ever heard of a christian flying a plane into a building in an islamic country???

Have you ever heard of a christian blowing themselves and countless others to pieces on a train or a bus in an islamic country???"


I have certainly, growing up in Northern Ireland, heard of plenty of Christians prepared to blow people from a different version of Christianity up. I think if you are attempting to argue that Muslims have a monopoly on terrorism then that is a non-starter.

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Faith in what?......Something that no one can prove exists,you might as well kneel in front of a cornish pastie and express undying commitment to it...at least u can see the pastie


And Islam is not all about being nice to others,its about religion,its about certain people following a religion that refuses to accept ANY other religion and its about TOTAL control,which is what they want.

If their religion is SO important to them why do they leave the country of their origins and move to a country that is profoundly christian based?

How many christians do you know who live in an Islamic country???

Have you ever heard of a christian flying a plane into a building in an islamic country???

Have you ever heard of a christian blowing themselves and countless others to pieces on a train or a bus in an islamic country???

And PT please dont reply to this because i dont respect your opinions,you are blinckered and for some reason trying to justify a belief that is WRONG.


this is a free country, and the forum doesn't have many restrictions on who can and who can't answer a post, if they aren't subjected to a ban...


so I will answer your points, one by one, thanks...


And Islam is not all about being nice to others,its about religion,its about certain people following a religion that refuses to accept ANY other religion and its about TOTAL control,which is what they want.


NO, look at the comments I have previously made, in this thread about tolerance in Islam



If their religion is SO important to them why do they leave the country of their origins and move to a country that is profoundly christian based?


because most Muslims in the UK, just like with the carribean immigrants, came from former colonies, like Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and many came over here as a result of a drive in the 40's 50's and 60's to do menial tasks, that the white man thought beneath him.


it was nothing to do with their religion.


Why did the European man go to places like india, africa, south america etc, to colonise, when most religions were polytheistic, or pagan ("heathens" as they so kindly dubbed them) and most certainly not Christan, back then?


How many christians do you know who live in an Islamic country???


Plenty. My uncle, for one... He worked on the oil plants, in Saudi. My schoolfriend whose parents resettled back in the UK after being Missionaries.. Is that enough, or should I get the Phone directory, and name every one of the non-muslims in arabic/ muslim countries? next question?



Have you ever heard of a christian flying a plane into a building in an islamic country???

What's that got to do with anything and the price of eggs? 911 was a one-off, thank god, perpetrated by misguided and angry people. I do not condone it in any way or consider it representative of islam. I challenge you to show me any other Muslims who have hijacked a plane, and flown it into a building... BEFORE or SINCE...?


Have you ever heard of a christian blowing themselves and countless others to pieces on a train or a bus in an islamic country???


not in an Islamic country, , but I've heard of plenty of christians blowing trains up in places like Spain (can you say "ETA, the Basque Seperatist Group"?). I know of plenty of christians who are guilty of bombing people sat innocently in a pub, (think the IRA, in Birmingham, think that cretinous BNP supporter Copeland, who bombed the Nelson in London killing a pregnant newlywed and her unborn child. I know of plenty of christians who thought it big and clever to drag a group of british soldiers out of their car in Northern Ireland, and Batter them to death. I know of plenty of Christians who thought it appropriate to set off a bomb at a remembrance day RELIGIOUS SERVICE in Omagh.


May I have your next pointless and inflammatory question?

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and by the way, briggy... I respect YOUR right to have an opinion on this matter, what is your problem that you do not respect my right to have mine?


I do not tell a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew that he cannot believe HIS faitih.


I don't tell a Pagan they cannot have theirs.


I do not demand that an Atheist believe, when he does not.


I live and let live.

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I know PT can speak for himself, but surely Grahame you can form a better argument than that ?


I think as it stands it is easily countered with :


non-hierarchical submissive pacifists plan global domination


or any other string of nouns I can put into a search engine.



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The fact that you typed in "islam+take+over+world" and "islam+plans+world+domination" does you and your views no favours what so ever. Earlier you said you would like to:


discuss the new testiment "without all the bickering, and to try and reach a harmonious and unaminous agreement"


Why can't you take this attitude towards other faiths?

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I know PT can speak for himself, but surely Grahame you can form a better argument than that ?


I think as it stands it is easily countered with :


non-hierarchical submissive pacifists plan global domination


or any other string of nouns I can put into a search engine.




I'm simply asking a question. I am having difficulty getting those pages you posted to load so I will have to reply generally and say there are people like the “World Health Organisation” that has world wide plans, but Islam is so violent it frightens me and I do not want England to be taken over by these people. What I'm saying has nothing to do with religion, any people of violence scare me half to death and we don't need more violence.


Look at this.




Do we want these scenes here?

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I'm simply asking a question. I am having difficulty getting those pages you posted to load so I will have to reply generally and say there are people like the “World Health Organisation” that has world wide plans, but Islam is so violent it frightens me and I do not want England to be taken over by these people. What I'm saying has nothing to do with religion, any people of violence scare me half to death and we don't need more violence.


Look at this.




Do we want these scenes here?


as wildcat says, the keywords you have put into the search engine show that your bias is so skewed, that it rivals DNA for twist.


I have answered your questions, respectfully, frankly and openly, I have refuted your ludicrous allegations with facts, rather than conjecture, and yet you still will not listen to reason,


I've had enough now, I'm going to treat your bigotry with the contempt it deserves, and not even dignify it with an answer.

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