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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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Allah is not the Christian God.


The same is NOT TRUE concerning Islam. They are not worshipping the same God as Jews and Christians. Let's look at the clear facts. Mohammad grew up in Mecca in Arabia, belonging to the Quraysh tribe in charge of idol worship at the Kabah shrine, containing the black stone and at least 360 idols.


The word for god or idol in Arabic is "ilah." Allah was the name for the main idol worshiped in Mecca. The name was probably originally derived from the two Arabic words "al" and "ilah", meaning "the god" or "the idol."


Allah was also used as THE PERSONAL NAME among the Arabs for the moon god. Its symbol was the crescent moon found on many idols from pre-Islamic Arabia. Every year there was a pilgrimage to Mecca to worship Allah at the black stone. People were taught to turn towards Mecca several times a day. One month every year, beginning and ending with the crescent moon, was dedicated to fasting.


Mohammad built upon all of these already known forms of idol worship. The only thing that was new was that Mohammad declared the pagan moon deity "Allah" to be the only true god and forbade the worship of all the other idols in Mecca. The basic confession within Islam is, "Allah is greater [greater than all the other idols]. There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet."


Professor Augustus H. Strong makes an accurate assessment in his "Systematic Theology" when he declares that Islam "is heathenism in monotheistic form." Mohammad simply took the chief deity within the pantheon in Arabia, and made it the only god, keeping the pagan practices associated with this idol worship.



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Answer my question and tell me why you worship the "pagan moon god."


What are you on about, I am agnostic if it means anything? Anyway back to planet earth, You said:


I follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.


You then said:


Shouldn't tolerance be a two way street?


And you also said:


I think you are contradicting yourself.


So did Jesus think that tolerence should be a two way thing? And where have I contradicted myself?

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Allah is not the Christian God.




Professor Augustus H. Strong makes an accurate assessment in his "Systematic Theology" when he declares that Islam "is heathenism in monotheistic form." Mohammad simply took the chief deity within the pantheon in Arabia, and made it the only god, keeping the pagan practices associated with this idol worship.


I don't see the relevance of any of this. By the same argument Christianity comes from contributions Zoroastrianism (heaven and hell), the trinity comes from gnosticism (according to Ireneus), monotheism itself comes from Akhennatun. The religion even comes from hebrew traditions that were by no means simple from baptists and essenes. Early Christianity reflected these conflicts with Montanists, Marcionist, Gnostics, Arians, Adoptionists, Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians. By the time Christianity was unified it had incorporated Mithraism, Manicheism, and Helenistic philosophy. It is also argued that turning water into wine in John and the communium come from Bacchus.


I can go on, but it is not relevant. What is relevant is that Islam sees itself in the tradition of Abraham and of Jesus, both are incorporated and revered as Prophets. As such it forms part of the tradition that includes Christianity whether you like it or not.

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So perhaps you can show me in the Koran where it teaches tolerance to what you call "Unbelievers."


"Let there be no compulsion in religion; truth stands out clear from error" (Sura 2.256)


"When the enemies of the Muslims kindle a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it. They strive to create disorder in earth, and Allah loves not those who create disorder." (Koran 28:78 )


[3.18]If they shall dispute with thee, then say: I have surrendered myself to God, as have they who follow me. Say to those who have received the Book, and to the common folk, [3.19]Do ye surrender yourselves unto God? If they become Muslims, then are they guided aright: but if they turn away -- thy duty is only preaching; and God's eye is on His servants.


Try looking on any Islamic site for an understanding of what the religion means, take this one for example.



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Lets be honest, some lefties will defend this regressive, sexist, homophobic, death cult right up until the point they get their heads cut off as kaffirs.


Wake up lefties, islam is just to right of Hitler, and even the nazis eschewed suicide bombing..what you've got are the nazis combined with the worst of the wartime japs. And you are supporting this rubbish.

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