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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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Lets be honest, some lefties will defend this regressive, sexist, homophobic, death cult right up until the point they get their heads cut off as kaffirs.


Wake up lefties, islam is just to right of Hitler, and even the nazis eschewed suicide bombing..what you've got are the nazis combined with the worst of the wartime japs. And you are supporting this rubbish.


Lets face facts, some people cannot see the sheer lunacy of tarring around 1 billion people with the same brush because of the actions of an evil few. To compound this insanity they also seem to think that if other people do not share their wisdom they must be some how be left wing terrorist supporting communists.


It is a strange world.

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Lets face facts, some people cannot see the sheer lunacy of tarring around 1 billion people with the same brush because of the actions of an evil few. To compound this insanity they also seem to think that if other people do not share their wisdom they must be some how be left wing terrorist supporting communists.


It is a strange world.


Neatly put JFK.

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Allah is not the Christian God.


The same is NOT TRUE concerning Islam. They are not worshipping the same God as Jews and Christians. Let's look at the clear facts. Mohammad grew up in Mecca in Arabia, belonging to the Quraysh tribe in charge of idol worship at the Kabah shrine, containing the black stone and at least 360 idols.


The word for god or idol in Arabic is "ilah." Allah was the name for the main idol worshiped in Mecca. The name was probably originally derived from the two Arabic words "al" and "ilah", meaning "the god" or "the idol."


Allah was also used as THE PERSONAL NAME among the Arabs for the moon god. Its symbol was the crescent moon found on many idols from pre-Islamic Arabia. Every year there was a pilgrimage to Mecca to worship Allah at the black stone. People were taught to turn towards Mecca several times a day. One month every year, beginning and ending with the crescent moon, was dedicated to fasting.


Mohammad built upon all of these already known forms of idol worship. The only thing that was new was that Mohammad declared the pagan moon deity "Allah" to be the only true god and forbade the worship of all the other idols in Mecca. The basic confession within Islam is, "Allah is greater [greater than all the other idols]. There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet."


Professor Augustus H. Strong makes an accurate assessment in his "Systematic Theology" when he declares that Islam "is heathenism in monotheistic form." Mohammad simply took the chief deity within the pantheon in Arabia, and made it the only god, keeping the pagan practices associated with this idol worship.




Hi you are not being unbiased in your reply nor are you giving all the facts. You are quoting my friend. Jesus christ or what ever is your foot note is kind of swaying in your belief! My husband will gladly meet you and not simply qoute as you have done! PM and make a time and date!

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Hi you are not being unbiased in your reply nor are you giving all the facts. You are quoting my friend. Jesus christ or what ever is your foot note is kind of swaying in your belief! My husband will gladly meet you and not simply qoute as you have done! PM and make a time and date!

You on drugs or what.you are replying to different posts on different threads and not making any sense whatsoever

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Lets face facts, some people cannot see the sheer lunacy of tarring around 1 billion people with the same brush because of the actions of an evil few. To compound this insanity they also seem to think that if other people do not share their wisdom they must be some how be left wing terrorist supporting communists.


It is a strange world.


Most Nazis were not evil. They just had to follow a foul regresive evil way of living or be rejected by their monkey socieity/. Like the muslims of today., we do them no favors by keeping in their cage.

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Skipped right through your reply PT ,respect your right to voice an opinion,i just think your talkin crap!

Another terrorist attack has just been foiled at a German Airport,which was planned to CELEBRATE!!! the killing of thousands of innocent people in 9/11

Anyone got any ideas what "faith" they follow???

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Lets face facts, some people cannot see the sheer lunacy of tarring around 1 billion people with the same brush because of the actions of an evil few. To compound this insanity they also seem to think that if other people do not share their wisdom they must be some how be left wing terrorist supporting communists.


It is a strange world.


"An evil few", which in Britain actually equals half the Mosques - half the Muslim population. Let's face facts outside Britain also it's a pretty putrid waste of space. Ask the Germans.

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"An evil few", which in Britain actually equals half the Mosques - half the Muslim population. Let's face facts outside Britain also it's a pretty putrid waste of space. Ask the Germans.


So are you saying that half the muslim population in the UK are terrorists? You really think that there are around half a million terrorists here? Or are you saying the Mosques them selves are evil.


I thought that the German terror attacks were plannned by a tiny minority, not by the majority of muslims living in Germany.

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So are you saying that half the muslim population in the UK are terrorists? You really think that there are around half a million terrorists here? Or are you saying the Mosques them selves are evil.


Have there been any surveys done regarding what percentage of muslims support or sympathise with the islamic terrorists?

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Have there been any surveys done regarding what percentage of muslims support or sympathise with the islamic terrorists?


The ICM opinion poll also indicates that a fifth have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London last July 7, killing 52 people, although 99 per cent thought the bombers were wrong to carry out the atrocity.



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