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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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Most Nazis were not evil. They just had to follow a foul regresive evil way of living or be rejected by their monkey socieity/. Like the muslims of today., we do them no favors by keeping in their cage.


What rubbish. On the plus side, it's not quite as utterly repulsive as some of your other posts.

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Lets be honest, some lefties will defend this regressive, sexist, homophobic, death cult right up until the point they get their heads cut off as kaffirs.


Wake up lefties, islam is just to right of Hitler, and even the nazis eschewed suicide bombing..what you've got are the nazis combined with the worst of the wartime japs. And you are supporting this rubbish.


Let's be honest - if you can't debate a topic sensibly, you will be suspended from this site.


Stop trying to stir up hatred.

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Let's be honest - if you can't debate a topic sensibly, you will be suspended from this site.


Stop trying to stir up hatred.





Andrewchase is only stating his opinion.


I personally am worried about the growth of Islam in this country. and the impact it may have on out children/grandchildrens generation.


The lefties seem to live in their own dreamworld. They hate intolerance, yet Islam is the ultimate form of intolrance.


That post may be controvesial, and may even earn a ban. If it does, then so be it.


Freedom of speech, not everyone supports it.

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The lefties seem to live in their own dreamworld.


I think it's this bit that most people have a problem with. You seem to be implying that if you're not a frothing anti-Islamist then you must be a leftie.


I know a good many people who have what could be described as right of centre views but they don't consider that all Muslims are terrorists or that their religion supports terrorism.

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Andrewchase is only stating his opinion.


I personally am worried about the growth of Islam in this country. and the impact it may have on out children/grandchildrens generation.


The lefties seem to live in their own dreamworld. They hate intolerance, yet Islam is the ultimate form of intolrance.


That post may be controvesial, and may even earn a ban. If it does, then so be it.


Freedom of speech, not everyone supports it.


No, it won't earn a ban, but if you do try and stir up hatred on here it will.


Most Muslims that I've met are as tolerant or as intolerant as the rest of us. There are bigots of all creeds - Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews.


What we won't put up with is people making posts designed to wind up the temperature.


This thread was kicked off with a specific intention and question - 'Has anyone read the Koran'.


It is not another 'Muslims are bad' thread - so if you haven't read it and don't want to read it, don't post here.


There - can't make it simpler than that.

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just a curious question please nobody take any offense..

but i used to date a guy who is a muslim and did sort of flick through the book just out ofr curiosity, and i personally thought that the koran (Qu-oran, cant remember the true spelling soz!) contradicts itself ALOT!! in one case it says that men and women are equall right?? well why is it that men can have 5wives but women cant have 5 husbands?? that isnt being equall!!!

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is it not true that there is good and bad in every culture.

but the koran does encourage voilence a little bit, in christianity (as far as i remember) says somewhere that if you are slapped on one cheek you give them the other, but in the koran they tell them to kill those on there land and to stone a woman to death if she is accused of adultery (NOT actually PROVEN guilty but just accused) and a muslim friend of mine told me that alot of young people are given a false statement that if they become marta's (suicide bombers) they will go to paradise and be met by either a hundred or a thousand virgin's... is this true??


is the koran a mans religion?? with woman following it only because thats how they were raised??!!

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All the Abrahamic Religions are quite male-centered, even Judaism. There are no female prophets (at least I don't think they are) and whilst Christianity has Mary and Judaism has a number of strong female 'characters', for want of a better term, all of the faiths are pretty much male oriented.


Islam is probably the most overtly militaristic, although some aspects, like the meaning of Jihad, have tended to be distorted in the same way that some of the tenets of other religions have been bent out of shape. Having said that, Islam tolerated Christianity and Judaism in Medieval Spain for many years - taxes were imposed and there was a rule about not converting Muslims, but they did allow freedom of worship, which is probably more than Christian rulers did at the same poiint in History.


Adultery...What's important is to differentiate between what's in the Koran and what's been added to Muslim societies by things like Shariah Law. There IS a difference between a legal system based purely on the word of the Koran, and a system informed and based on the Koran and taking in to account the Hadiths (commentaries on the Koran).


I did a quick search:


"Those who commit adultery among your women, you must have four witnesses against them, from among you. If they do bear witness, then you shall keep such women in their homes until they die, or until GOD creates an exit for them. "


The latter phrase 'until GOD creates an exit' has been interpreted as meaning until a man will marry them.


"The couple who commits adultery shall be punished. If they repent and reform, you shall leave them alone. GOD is Redeemer, Most Merciful"


I can't find anything about capital punishment in teh Koran for adultery, but it has been introduced under Shariah Laws.


Interestingly enough, in the Old Testament Book of Deuteronomy, adultery IS punishable by death.


Someone stop me if I'm wrong here, BTW - but please point me at the relevant quote.


As for the martydom business - it's suppsoed to be 72 Virgins, but at the same time the Koran, like the Bible and the Torah, teaches against suicide.

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just a curious question please nobody take any offense..

but i used to date a guy who is a muslim and did sort of flick through the book just out ofr curiosity, and i personally thought that the koran (Qu-oran, cant remember the true spelling soz!) contradicts itself ALOT!! in one case it says that men and women are equall right?? well why is it that men can have 5wives but women cant have 5 husbands?? that isnt being equall!!!

is it not true that there is good and bad in every culture.

but the koran does encourage voilence a little bit, in christianity (as far as i remember) says somewhere that if you are slapped on one cheek you give them the other, but in the koran they tell them to kill those on there land and to stone a woman to death if she is accused of adultery (NOT actually PROVEN guilty but just accused) and a muslim friend of mine told me that alot of young people are given a false statement that if they become marta's (suicide bombers) they will go to paradise and be met by either a hundred or a thousand virgin's... is this true??


is the koran a mans religion?? with woman following it only because thats how they were raised??!!


I know, i know, I said I was out of the debate.


just to comment. (NB have joined both posts together for simplicity.)


1) The spellings Koran, or Qur'an are both acceptable, Qur'an is preferable, afaik


2) You obviously haven't read (or taken any notice of) anything that anyone else has posted in this thread, or you would have seen my explanation, earlier, correcting someone else's erroneous comment that a man is permitted to have 5 wives. it's not, it's up to 4 wives, but I also explained that there are conditons on taking second or subsequent wives.


3) Adultery... see JoeP's comment above this one about the penalty being stoning to death, in Christianity, but not in Qur'anic Islam..


4) It's most certainly NOT thousands of virgins for suicide bombers... it's only 72, and that for Martyrs, IIRC, not suicides, as suicide is forbidden in Islam.


5) Violence in Christianity:-


The old testament is full of violence and bloodshed (See the OT books of Exodus, Deuteronomy and Joshua for laws giving death penalty, and the mass slaughters committed on the peoples who lived in the lands the children of israel took over.

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