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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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Islam mandates the murder of homosexuals. If you support islam as a valid way of living them you support killing gays.


Utter nonsense andrew as you well know. You could make the same statement about Christianity and it would be equally nonsensical.

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As with all religious quotations two words spring to mind, mumbo and jumbo. You can read the Koran or the Bible and come to the same conclusion. Isn't it time we stopped respecting the religious views of others?


no, absoutely not! I think, as I said times-many in my previous posts, that it's about time we respected the rights of others to fulfil the laws this country has about freedom of religion, and that it's up to the individual concerned, and their own conscience, to practice what they wish, beit Christainity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pganism, agnosticism, or humaism or atheism. (or jedi for that matter!!!!!)

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Islam mandates the murder of homosexuals. If you support islam as a valid way of living them you support killing gays.


is that what's called a "straw-man" argument?

if you support "X", then automatically , you "must" support "Y" .. whether you actually do, or not?

eg, "if you are a 'green' voter, then you automatically must want to blow-up all 4x4 cars..." that sort of thing?

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Islam mandates the murder of homosexuals. If you support islam as a valid way of living them you support killing gays.


There's a verse in Leviticus that says adulterous couples must be put to death. If you support Christianity as a valid faith you must support killing adulterers.


See - your argument is a wholly fase one.

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is that what's called a "straw-man" argument?

if you support "X", then automatically , you "must" support "Y" .. whether you actually do, or not?

eg, "if you are a 'green' voter, then you automatically must want to blow-up all 4x4 cars..." that sort of thing?


Aye, it's based on a logical fallacy alright.

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no, absoutely not! I think, as I said times-many in my previous posts, that it's about time we respected the rights of others to fulfil the laws this country has about freedom of religion, and that it's up to the individual concerned, and their own conscience, to practice what they wish, beit Christainity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pganism, agnosticism, or humaism or atheism. (or jedi for that matter!!!!!)


What I meant was anyone has the right to believe in whatever religious nonsense they like, but they shouldn't expect anyone else to think they are right or demand any special privileges for their religious belief.


In fact your example of Jedi is spot on. We should give believers in the major religions about as much respect as we do to those who proclaim to be Jedi :hihi:

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As I said, any al azhar shieks talking sence? (your link was very nice but not remotely maistream)


Egypt has become repressive towards gays recently. But the sentences they are passing are 3 years in prison similar to UK law until 1967. Reprehensible though this is there are many Muslims who are appalled by this and are fighting for their human rights. These people need support not condemnation.


If you want to do something about human rights, why don't you join amnesty or one of the groups who are actually doing something about it rather than spending your time criticising "lefties" and alienating Muslims?

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Mod. Note


Oh dear...oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


I warned folks last night to keep on topic and not get into an anti-Islam rant.


A couple of people can't or won't read my requests.


They're now nursing bans.


Now - either be civil and keep to the topic or don't post on this thread. It isn't hard.




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