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Has anyone on here read The Koran?

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The resurrection of this thread reminds me of how good Sheffield Forum once was. Where did all the intelligent posters go?

They have been hoarded away. When Zafar declined and moved away, I sense that was the end of an era too. That goes with BT. LordC's style also changed too. I notice this subtle difference in what people write. Even I was radicalised... and I felt myself changing too from what I read on this board. It is scary. Only the stupid people stay and not move on and find enlightenment in all of this confusion and angst. I know this happened to myself for definite.


I've read what theHook have written. I also understand when people write in English that "Islam means Peace", I knew they meant the literal word or the meaning of the word when translated meant peace, and not their opinion of the religion meaning peace. A lot of non-believers who attack or challenge the religion more often than not do so out of a need to misconstrue a meaning to suit what they think and see from where they are standing.


I see this happen a lot even in translation of chinese words, never mind whether it is Arabic words. It drums up confusion and misunderstanding on how individual apply a religion to how they describe, or form an opinion of it.

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They have been hoarded away. When Zafar declined and moved away, I sense that was the end of an era too. That goes with BT. LordC's style also changed too. I notice this subtle difference in what people write. Even I was radicalised... and I felt myself changing too from what I read on this board. It is scary. Only the stupid people stay and not move on and find enlightenment in all of this confusion and angst. I know this happened to myself for definite.


I've read what theHook have written. I also understand when people write in English that "Islam means Peace", I knew they meant the literal word or the meaning of the word when translated meant peace, and not their opinion of the religion meaning peace. A lot of non-believers who attack or challenge the religion more often than not do so out of a need to misconstrue a meaning to suit what they think and see from where they are standing.


I see this happen a lot even in translation of chinese words, never mind whether it is Arabic words. It drums up confusion and misunderstanding on how individual apply a religion to how they describe, or form an opinion of it.


I have to agree with you there because I really like learning about other religions and cultures but sometimes, it gets tiring at times cause I don't know if someone really wants to know, or being sarcastic or want to argue. Just gets tiring that's all.


So, I kind of gave up sitting down talking or sharing much on Islam or arabic online at all. Although I got a christain mate a few doors away in which we talk for a few hours and we never had an argument. Knowledgeable person on different religions which is why I like chatting to him. Yes, he's Christain and I am Muslim but, I learn a lot from him on a lot of things and well, got to know much about life in England too.

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London Bombings


Glasgow Airport

ect ect ect

All Read The Koran and followed its beliefs

Do not Drink Alchohol..........They Do!

They aint allowed to Gamble........They Do

And as Long as they treat them all the same they are allowed to have 5 wives!!!!!!

Jeeeeeez thats one hell of a guide book!

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London Bombings


Glasgow Airport

ect ect ect

All Read The Koran and followed its beliefs

Do not Drink Alchohol..........They Do!

They aint allowed to Gamble........They Do

And as Long as they treat them all the same they are allowed to have 5 wives!!!!!!

Jeeeeeez thats one hell of a guide book!


i'll see your london and lockerbie, and I'll raise you an Omagh, a warrington, and a birmingham, and trump you with a hyde park corner, a tower of london and an oxford street.


"All Read The Koran and followed its beliefs"
erm....actually, I think you'll find that's a cartload of Bull...


They may have read the Qur'an, but, in the Qur'an it's expressly forbidden to commit suicide. that's not following the beliefs of the Qur'an.


Also, NO muslim is permited five wives. he is permitted up to four, but there are strict rules about it.


In the UK, polygamy isn't allowed, although, if the marriage has taken place in a country where polygamy is permitted, the marriage may be recognised in the UK.


Under Qur'anic rules, (you are correct in that comment!) a man can only take a further wife if he can afford to do so, and support the wife. The second and subsequent wives must be treated exactly the same as the first wife, with no favouritism, either to the wife (whichever wife she is, in the "order" of marriage), or the children of that marriage.


Do not Drink Alchohol..........They Do!
in the bible, it supposedly says not to drink. (paul, in 1 timothy 5 v 23 permits timothy to "take a little wine for the sake of your stomach" ) how many so-called christians go out and get bladdered on friday and saturday night?


In the 10 comandments, it says "thou shalt not steal.. how many thieves classify themselves as being christian? it also says "thou shalt not commit adultery"... can you say "Jimmy Swaggart" or "Jim Bakker". thou shalt not murder... many christians have committed murder.

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I went down to the second hand bookshop at the weekend as planned and enquired if they had any copies of the koran but unfortunatley the had sold their only copy earlier that week.


On the upside, the very helpful chap behind the counter was a muslim and told me to go to the mosque where they'd be happy to give me a copy for free.


I know for sure some of our mutual friends have copies, why not borrow one of theirs?

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Just as you 'say' you're a Christian.


That Grahame, they'd say - when'd he ever murder folk? He's no true Christian!


In Christianity the Bible tells us it is wrong to kill and it is part of the Ten Commandments. As you know words are cheap and people can say whatever they like but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, meaning actions speak louder than words. You can tell a person by what they do. Jesus said: -


“Every tree is known by the fruit it bears;…A good person brings good out of the treasure of good things in his heart; a bad person brings forth evil."



According to the Encyclopedia Britannica this is Islam: -


Offences against the person, from homicide to assault, are punishable by retaliation (qiṣāṣ), the offender being subject to precisely the same treatment as his victim. But this type of offence is regarded as a civil injury rather than a crime in the technical sense, since it is not the state but only the victim or his family who have the right to prosecute and to opt for compensation or blood money (diyah) in place of retaliation.


For six specific crimes the punishment is fixed (ḥadd): death for apostasy and for highway robbery; amputation of the hand for theft; death by stoning for extramarital sex relations (zinā) where the offender is a married person and 100 lashes for unmarried offenders; 80 lashes for an unproved accusation of unchastity (qadhf) and for the drinking of any intoxicant.


Outside the ḥadd crimes, both the determination of offences and the punishment therefore lies with the discretion of the executive or the courts.

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