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Best Bar Staff


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To be honest, I find that all the real ale pubs have good staff, on the whole. They're friendly, know their drinks and can handle being told more than one drink at a time. So thumbs up for the Dev Cat, Bath Hotel, Sheaf View, Fat Cat, Kelham Island Tavern et al...


Also, got to mention the Broadfield. Their staff are friendly and chatty and quick to remember your round. That place seems to be going from strength to strength at the moment - decent beers, regular guest ales, nice outside area, weirdos have moved on, good atmosphere for sports etc etc etc...

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Dev Cat have definitely got some of the best in my opinion. Very friendly people there.


Worst, the Benjamin Huntsman. Couldn't care less. I remember being stood there for 5 minutes waiting to be served as the two members of staff seemed more interested in clearing empty spirit bottles from the back than serving people. On the same visit my friend ordered some food and three times it was served to him still frozen inside. Again the bar staff seemed genuinely disinterested so he just stormed into the kitchen

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little bit unfair on bar people this thread what about the customers having worked in bar or bars i have seen alsorts the aggressive customers cause the bar staff to alter basically slow down . i do agree there are bar staff that are not cut out to do it but the thread is little offensive to bar staff .

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i do agree there are bar staff that are not cut out to do it but the thread is little offensive to bar staff .


as someone who has worked in pubs for the last 12 years and still does...i dont think its offensive at all.


i think its fair to say that the staff in every wetherspoons i have ever been into leave a lot to be desired. but then they have little motivation, little understanding of customer services and often end up dealing with the dregs of society that cant get into any decent pub on a daily basis....if that doesnt sap your will to be nice to people and provide decent service, i dont know what would.


generally, if you have a decent pub, you have decent punters and decent bar staff- and i dont just mean decent as in can do the job but as in decent people who have some manners, who have some appreciation for the service industry and who have some pride in their watering hole/workplace.


i have always worked in 'proper pubs' in sheffield and have thoroughly enjoyed it. in contrast i worked in chain pubs in my home town during uni holidays and after 3 months of it, it was always a joy to come back and get back into a proper pub where we had time to treat the regulars like people not just a person in a queue.


and for the record, i dont reckon the staff at the red lion on charles street are too shoddy! :thumbsup:



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well i don't think its offensive and i am bar staff and a well known venue in Sheffield, I've worked in all types of venue(pub, bar, nightclub)

and genuinely wondered who had the best bar staff

i've generally had the best service in kelham island pubs

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little bit unfair on bar people this thread what about the customers..


Good point. It's a bit harsh to slag off bar staff, 99% of them are doing their job the best they can. It's customers that are usually the problem. I know people who work at HaHa Bar and they have to deal with so many horrible and stuck up people:


1. Blokes who sit outside with their shirt off and refuse to put it back on when asked. As the staff correctly point out, "you're on restaurant premises and you wouldn't sit topless in a restaurant would you?!"


2. People who click their fingers at the staff for service (this is so rude). Similarly, people who butt in when a staff member is clearly already dealing with another customer or has their hands full.


3. Groups who want to use about 3 discount vouchers when paying but kick up a fuss when they're refused because it clearly states '1 voucher per party'. They then demand to be split up into separate parties, so they can abuse the rule and also force the staff to recalculate all of their bill.


4. People who, when asked, say everything's OK with their meal, (and eat most of it) but afterwards complain about something and with persistence they end up getting their meal for free.


5. People who sit outside in the eating section when they're only having drinks - and when asked to move because there are people who are wanting to eat (and need a table) they selfishly refuse.


6. Groups who turn up on a Friday or Saturday night without booking, and then get into a huff when they're told it's too busy. :loopy:


7. People who have drinks or even a full meal and then do a runner without paying (scum). Similarly, people who order food and then decide they havn't got time to wait for it and just leave.


8. People who just don't leave a tip. Surprisingly enough, those who do this the most are the clearly well off, stuck up, pretentious business people who expect the earth and treat the staff like crap, despite the fact they're bending over backwards for them.

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